At least once in our lifetime, we are all faced with some difficulty that at the time might seem incredibly difficult to overcome. During these tough times, it is almost impossible to stay positive regardless of how an optimistic person you are. It seems that nothing you do is right and that you are trapped in that vicious circle of failures.
Furthermore, there are life-threatening negatives and instead of talking about these and what they can be, we will provide you with an example. A 36-year old Kim Tronic lived a normal life when she found out that she had cancer and that it already reached stage three. All of a sudden, her entire life turned upside down and she had to start with the treatment.
Although her daily routine changed, her spirit did not. She decided to add colors in her life at the darkest hours of her existence and as she puts it “You cannot be scared of chemo if you are wearing a coconut bra”. She always laughed and made the people around her feel better. With the spark of extra positivity, colors and costumes she managed to get through the treatment and the best thing about it is that we can read everything about that aspect of her life in her new book,
Dear Diary, Does This Cancer Make My Ass Look Fat? is a book written in the form of diary in which Kim Tronic shows all the things she went through with a nice humoristic touch. We don’t want to ruin it for you, so you can read more about it by checking out Kim Tronicles’ blog.
As you know, everything in life passes eventually, so will this tough period. However, there are some things that you can do on your own to ensure that this happens sooner than later. In this article, and inspired by Kimberly’s writeup, we are going to give you some practical tips that you can try until you find what works for you.
1. Will it affect your future?

Source: AdobeStock
The first thing that you have to do is to ask yourself how big that problem is and whether it will affect your life in the time to come. Yes, we know, at this crucial moment it may seem like to world is about to end, but if you just think closely about it, you might realize that the issue is not as nearly serious as you think it is. Just think about all that high school drama, or maybe your first breakup. Do you see what we mean? At that time, it seemed like you were never going to get out of your bed, but that wasn’t the case, right? Sometimes, all one needs is time to recover.
2. Try to be objective

Source: zencare
This is a trick you can do. You know how when you tell a friend your problem, they find a solution within minutes? Well, they are able to do this because they are objective. They can look at the bigger picture and analyze it more correctly than you can.
Try to imagine that someone else is faced with that obstacle. What would you tell them to do? What piece of advice you would have for them? Would you think that they are exaggerating? Make the whole situation less personal for you and the answer will appear soon.
3. Focus on things you can change

Source: careershifters
Worrying about something that you cannot affect is not only useless but it also going to cause you a lot of stress. Sooner you understand this the better it will be for you. This is something that can be applied to every aspect of your life. Do you feel lonely? Why not call a friend and go out? No, you don’t have to tell anyone about your feelings, if you don’t want to, just go and do something fun. Has your job become a burden? You can start thinking about things that interest you and maybe sign up for a course to learn more about them.
4. Write down small achievements

Source: success
This is something that you should do for a week, or maybe an entire month. Keep the journal of all the nice things that have happened to you or some small goals you have reached. These can include everything, from completing some work-related tasks before the deadline to getting up early and going for a quick jog.
When you feel down, just read these entries and remember everything you have accomplished, regardless of how small or insignificant it may seem.
5. Change your perspective

Source: inc
Unfortunately, it is not in human nature to always look at things for the positive side. It seems that we are always preparing ourselves for the worst-case scenario, and when faced with difficulty, this is the worst thing you can do.
Don’t you just envy the people who always think that the glass is half full? So, why not try to be one of them? Try to observe every bad situation as an opportunity to learn. What could you have done differently? Take some time to gather all your thoughts, and don’t forget – do not stress about the things you can’t change.
6. Support is of crucial importance

Source: cascadementalhealth
A lot of people, when faced with something that seems like an unsolvable problem, tend to shut down and isolate themselves. Maybe they are just private persons or on the other hand, they do not want to burden others with their troubles. If you are one of these, this is something that you should change.
Knowing that you have someone on your side, a friend whom you can turn to at any moment and ask for help, or even cry on their shoulder if that’s what you need, is going to make you stronger and boost your confidence. We all need to know that we are not alone, and more importantly, from time to time we need to hear those words of encouragement.
7. Do something for yourself

Source: independent
If you ever feel depressed, pampering yourself is the best way to overcome that feeling. Have you been working long hours at the office? Take a weekend off and go to the spa. Is there a skill you want to learn? Check out local classes or courses, and sign up for one.
Do you feel the need to express your feelings? Create some art. Without a doubt, writing and painting are the best activities to not only illustrate your emotions but they are also very entertaining. Let’s be honest – when it comes to creating any kind of artwork, you cannot go wrong, because it is art after all.
8. Exercise

Source: Shutterstock
Okay, this tip is on every list of advice you can find, but there is a reason for that. If you spend all your time thinking about a certain issue, you will only become more miserable. Instead, go out and take a long walk. Do you feel angry? Do not suppress that feeling instead join a local boxing club and go punch a bag for an hour. Yes, get out of your pajamas is difficult when you feel down, but believe us you are going to feel so much better after the first session, that soon you might get addicted to working out.