Some think storytelling has become obsolete. In reality, it’s a potent tool for businesses. The bottom line, every business owner has a story to tell, whether it’s how their company was founded, their endless passion for the niche, or entering an industry that has made things happen for them.
What some business owners might not realize, their story is essential to more people than just themselves. This is because our brains can digest narratives as well as the meaning and feelings behind them. When we can empathize with others, a bond can be formed, leading to trust and eventually an increase in revenue. This is why it’s essential to understand the technique of brand stories unique to your business.
If this is not a field that you are good at, you need to reach out and hire a branding agency in San Francisco that knows what they are doing. Make a list of agencies that are reputable, experienced, and honest. Click here to see examples.
If storytelling is not something you have ever tried, we’d be happy to give you some vital information to help you learn this powerful approach for the success of your business.
Creating Your Brand Story

Several factors are critical for the success of your brand design, so you need to think about it, long and hard, before jumping into creating your brand design. First and foremost, you should sit down with your brand design agency and toss ideas around. Many of these agencies value collaboration with their clients, so you must find out if your chosen agency will work with you.
Understand the “Why” Behind What You Do
Before you can start creating your brand story, you need to focus on the “why” behind your business and what you do. Ask yourself some questions:
- Why does your business exist?
- What is the goal of your company?
- Does your business contribute anything to society or the world?
- What inspired you to start your business?
Start by asking yourself why your business exists, then think about your brand’s purpose outside the products. When considering why your business exists, think back to the passion that drove you to enter that industry to begin with.
Your story does not have to be revolutionary but understanding the whys can be challenging if you only got into the business to make money. You must understand, people do not buy products to make money. They are looking for solutions to their problems or looking for something to improve their lives. As a business owner, you have a responsibility to figure out how to help them and make them feel good about their decision.
Know Your Product

To get your story across to the audience, you need to know how your product fits in. While your account might be engaging, will it make any sales?
You need to know everything about your product, how it will serve your customers positively, and then get that message across to the audience through the story.You can have two products that are the same, but one consequence is higher quality and costs more. Therefore, selling each one will be presented differently.
To figure out how your product fits in the story, you need to ask some critical questions:
- What is the price and quality of the product?
- Will your product solve a customer’s problem or make them feel good?
- Will your product stand out from the crowd?
Even if your product is not mass-produced the same way as its competitor, you have to create a position that customers will stand behind.
Get Inside Your Audience’s Thoughts

To deliver a good brand story, you need to know your audience. You can only get through to them if you understand their emotions, both positive and negative, then decide how your brand story will fit into their lives.
- What is the outcome if your customer doesn’t buy your product?
- Who are my customers?
- Who would be the perfect customer?
Narrowing down your customers can be difficult, but essential to come up with a story that resonates with them. You cannot appeal to your entire audience. Instead, target the one customer who will become engaged and want your product.You have to prove your dedication and become your brand story to connect and make sales.
Getting Your Story Into Your Brand
Getting your story across to all areas of your business is different from creating an account. Your communications are vital to bringing your brand story to life.
Avoid Inconsistency

Being inconsistent will only lead to a lack of impact. Your brand story must communicate and come across all channels to attract your targeted audience.Some areas you must consider include your employees, the design of your store, your logo, website, social media, and everything else that represents your brand.You need to use all these avenues to live up to your brand story. You need to be relevant and actively drive your narrative. Consumers want to see you live up to your vision using social media.
This is also true when developing products. Do not create a bunch of products with entirely different styles. The elements of your brand from the beginning all the way through should have a purpose. Your products should not be fighting against each other for attention.
Create An Authentic Brand Story
Consumers are not stupid; they can detect a phony story in a heartbeat. Your brand story represents you, your brand, and your values. Therefore, you must be the real deal.If you do not come across as authentic, there are several reasons why. For example, you haven’t a clue why you are in business, do not explain your business, or do not understand your customers. All these issues need to be fixed and should have been done during the initial groundwork.
Documenting Your Story

Documenting your story for your reference, your employees, and your customers will help you succeed.Documenting will help your employees stay on track and prevent any misinterpretations. Every aspect of the story is essential, including the font on your store’s sign. The documented guidelines should serve as a reference for every element to line up.
The elements of your documented story could vary, but here’s a rough draft of what you should include:
1. Your account from beginning to end
2. The logo, fonts, and visual style guidelines.
3. The brand’s voice and tone.
4. Your vision and mission.
5. The brand’s values
Documenting your brand story will help you with outsourcing as it relates to designing and marketing. Then, once you have your account in place, play around with fonts and colors to communicate for you.

The Final Word
It would help if you spent some time finding a branding company to create an authentic brand story and visuals to showcase your brand essence to make sure you look like someone your customers will trust and value. Although you might realize it, finding the perfect brand design consultancy will be worth every minute of your time because that is what your business’s success will count on.