Whatever might be the reason; once you start getting bothered with lower back pain, then there is no peace at all. Everything is jeopardized, be it working long hours at the office or hanging out with friends or even getting a good night sleep. Relief seems to be light-years apart.
I have seen people doing weird stuff due to lower back pain. They start reading random blogs over the internet to match their pain symptoms only to get scared and freaked out when one of those matches with theirs. Well, if it has really been bothering you for quite some time and becomes unbearable then do not waste time browsing the internet. Go visit a doc soon!
People can have lower back pain due to multiple reasons. Heavy lifters, industry workers, employees with a desk job and long office hours, people suffering from injuries or obesity, anybody could develop lower back pain. The one thing in common that happens to all of those people with lower back pain is a lost quality sleep.

Source: paihealth.com
Wait… What!! Isn’t lower back pain supposed to ease after a good sleep with a relaxed back?
Well, not necessary! Let’s go through some sleeping tips for your unhappy lower back by the famous, Insidebedroom a sleep blog:
1. Your sleeping position
People might have different ways to fall asleep and also different positions to sleep. Sleeping positions are important as lower back pain can actually subside or even aggravate due to sleeping positions.
The flat back people:
If you’re fond of sleeping on your back, then it will be a good idea to have a pillow or a rolled towel under your knees. It is said to be the best way to sleep as the full body gets sort of support from the surface where the spine, neck and the head stay in a single alignment.
You don’t need to shift the pillow under your head. All you need is to have an extra pillow or a rolled towel to place under your knees. Also, you could just sleep in this position with a slight recline angle. This will also benefit your lower back.

Source: psycinsight.co.nz
The side sleepers:
Secondly, if you like to sleep sideways then placing a pillow in between your legs right within the thigh area will effortlessly align the hips, spine, and neck else you have chances to strain your lower back.
The born fetus:
One more way that people prefer sleeping in is the fetal position. That’s the position where people sleep sideways first and then bring their knees close to their chest. This position is good as reduces unnecessary bending of the spine. This also opens up the vertebrae, and it provides relief in case if you have a herniated disc condition as the primary reason for your lower back pain. People spend at least 9 months within the mother’s womb in this position which can’t be that bad. Isn’t it?
The belly balancers:
Another way how people usually sleep is on the stomach with head tilted in either direction left or right. Experts do not recommend this position as it gives unnecessary strain on the back as well as to the neck. This also twists the spine which is bad. Still, if you want to sleep in this way then better place a slim pillow under your stomach and hips. This should reduce strain to some extent. You could also sleep in the same position with your face down. For that, you just need to place a rolled towel under your forehead so that it gives you space to breathe.
And you thought sleeping is easy? Huh!

Source: Reader’s Digest
2. Your mattress
Did you always want to jump on that cozy soft mattress as they show in movies? The reality is that even those celebrities do not prefer sleeping in such mattresses on a regular basis. Those can be good for the show but not for real life.
A proper mattress is the one which can provide your body with support and comfort both. You should use a firm mattress to have a good night sleep. Softer ones sink your body, and it might also cause your joints to twist. It’s better to buy a mattress that is medium-firm and is not much on the harder or softer side.
3. Your wake up position
Won’t you wake up after a good sleep? But remember that your wake up style will also have something to do with your lower back pain.
The correct way to wake up is not to sit up right away but, instead try to roll on either side and use your hand to push your body up and along with with the help of your abdominal muscles. Also, before stepping out of your bed, try doing some neck stretches, and arm stretches so that your body turns active after a long night of rest.

Source: sleepnumber.com
4. Little stretch here and there
It’s good to make yoga, a part of your daily routine. It helps in toning the muscles and relaxes the body. Even little stretches before bedtime can also help you in getting good sleep. Additionally, here are some good exercises for back pain that will give you relief.
So with the above methods and a little tweaking of your daily routine, you could have a good night of sleep even when you are having trouble with lower back pain.