The story of Lana, the 3-year old Labrador is well-known. After her first family left her at a shelter, and the photograph of her, looking unhappy, circulated quickly, people named her ‘’The Saddest Dog in the World.’’
Lana provoked strong emotions amongst the people all around the world, and soon after donations and adoption applications were made, all in order to provide Lana the care, love, and family that she needs.
Lana soon found her new home, in Ontario, Canada, but unfortunately, that’s not where she was destined to be. After a couple of months, this adorable puppy was returned to the shelter, and she was supposed to receive euthanasia because the shelter had room issues.
But, at the last minute, a family decided to adopt Lana, and thus provide her with a long life filled with happiness!
Rescue Dog Match is a Canadian volunteer-run organization, who have tasked themselves to find Lana the family she deserves, before taking her to her new home, first stopped by the vet’s office just to make sure Lana is a-OK!
After the check-up, Lana couldn’t wait to see who are the people she’s going to live with! Lana is now on a gorgeous farm with her caring parents! She is finally happy!
Lana’s family says she is doing well, and that they will report to Rescue Dog Match what is Lana up to these couple of weeks.
Even though Lana is safe and sound, that’s not what always happens to sheltered dogs and cats. Over 2.7 million cat and dog’s lives have to be terminated every day because the shelters don’t have enough room or money to keep them all. If these numbers are devastating you, remember that by adopting a pet, you have not only saved his life, but you have also got a new family member who will love and cherish you forever. There is always an option to help animals by volunteering and trying to find a new home for abandoned animals. And remember: adopt, don’t shop!