Different bags are required for different situations and occasions. It’s the same as apparel, in a way that a tactical backpack will not fit well while riding a bike or catching the subway.
But one type of bag that is designed for city dwellers is a messenger bag. Messenger bags are awesome bags that are built for comfort, quick-access, speed, and they are extremely compact for the carrier. These bags are your top choice of bags if your day to day dealings involve city life.
But enough said, let’s get straight into our list of the top 5 canvas messenger bags designed for men.
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1. Incase Compass Messenger Bag

Img source: shopify.com
The Incase Compass Messenger Bag is the perfect solution for your 15” MacBook Pro of any kind of laptop for that matter. Made out of durable blended weave polyester, this bag has heavy-duty, triple-coated polyester front panels that are perfect for external organization. The bag comes with a spacious front compartment that has internal packs and organizers. It has a padded, faux-fur sleeve designed to safely hold your laptop, and the bag is designed for quick access. It has a side water bottle pocket that can satisfy the more traveling type, although this bag is designed predominantly for city life. The Incase Compass Messenger Bag comes in an 18L size.
2. Carhartt D89 Messenger Canvas Bag

Img source: amazon.com
The Carhartt D89 is a little more expensive than the previous one but it comes with a durable side release buckle closure and an adjustable shoulder strap. The Carhart D89 is a city dweller’s best friend. It comes at a 19 x 12.5 x 5.5 inches and it weighs no more than 1.2 pounds! It’s extremely durable surface resembles a canvas messenger bag like one of those you see in the movies. It’s made out of 600DF poly Ripstop which is water resistant. It has a large front compartment that also has a dedicated laptop sleeve that can fit you 15” laptop.
3. Timbuk2 Command Laptop Messenger Bag

Img source: amazon.com
Made out of 100% polyester, the Timbuk2 Commando will meet all of your laptop needs and store them in one place, while maintaining safety and providing urban sophistication. It comes at size 22L which is bigger than the previous two, and it’s rain proof. The Timbuk2 Commando comes with an external access zipper which can store all of your electronic devices such as a power bank or charger, and the bag is extremely easy to access.
4. AER Tech Sling

Img source: shopify.com
AER Tech Sling is a bag destined to meet all of your day to day chores. The bag has been described as a part messenger bag, part technology-focused carry organizer. It’s exterior is made out of waterproof 1680D Cordura ballistic nylon, which is extremely durable material capable of sustaining a lot of punishment. It has a quick access laptop pouch and a lot of space for other stuff. The quick-access technology and security features are what stands out with the AER Tech Sling. It can be worn while riding the train, riding your bike, and on foot travel. However, one downside is that the laptop pouch can carry only a 13” laptop.
5. Herschel Sandford Messenger Bag

Img source: herschel.ca
The Herschel Sandford comes in black, frog camo, and woodland camo color patterns. It has a padded 15” laptop sleeve that can be secured with a key clip and key chain pocket. The Herschel Sandford comes in size 17L and it is made out of 100% polyester. The bag features a neoprene liner that’s easy on all of your gear. The bag is designed for everyday wear and for carrying high-tech stuff.
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