The development of Information Technology has turned the world into a ‘global village’. Today, we can communicate freely and efficiently over the internet from any point of the globe to the other. This social interaction has foreseen the rise of online dating platforms where we can interact with potential partners from anywhere in the world to develop romantic, social, or sexual relationships.
With the rise in technology, social interaction has greatly declined, causing a rise in online interaction. Online dating is a common norm among the modern generation giving rise to countless dating profiles. Below, I have explained the prime things to add to your profile to make it outstanding.
- 1. Be Yourself
- 2. Think First
- 3. Include Your Personality
- Why You Should Embrace Online Dating
- • Matching
- • Confidence Builder
- • It Helps To Save Time
- • Communication
- • Getting Access To Prospective Partners
- • Identifying Fake Dating Profiles
- • Sketchy Information And Details
- • Rather Too Perfect Photos
- • They Operate Multiple Accounts
- • Send You Suspicious Links
- • They Avoid Video Chatting
1. Be Yourself
Being yourself is the Paramount rule in any relationship. You should be truthful to yourself as much as possible. You should major in what you want to express rather than what people need to hear. This will put you at a greater advantage as you will only attract interested partners who fit your match.
2. Think First
Making a dating profile is not a walk in the park. It is a rather hectic procedure that involves making a critical analysis of the necessary information to avail in your profile. You should make a list of needs to be incorporated into your profile to ensure the information provided is the most necessary.

3. Include Your Personality
Your personality can be a complete turn-on or turn-off to other people. To put yourself on the winning side, your profile should contain all the necessary information. You can state your interests and hobbies humorously in your profile. You should concentrate on what you want rather than what you don’t want.
The dating profile should also be as warm and welcoming as possible. You should frankly display your necessary information and traits in a friendly tone and maintain it as short as possible.
Over the COVID period, there has been a population influx in the online dating platforms, especially in COVID ravaged areas. A report dated July, two thousand and twenty-one, over one million people had joined the top dating sites as compared to the previous year. Visit Here the list of top dating sites.
To find a prospective partner on the dating sites, you should as well include the following on your profile.
- If you are recommended to use a user name on the site, it should bring out your passion and personal interests.
- Uploading your photos is an added advantage. Many people are attracted to nice looks. People who look jovial and active are more likely to find their match faster than shaggy and gloomy people. Photos of people being active with pets usually do well. Photos of pets capture the attention of viewers. Photos should be unprofessional but attractive with normal relaxed poses. You should avoid old and edited photos.
- Scrutinize your profile for any technical or grammatical errors. Poor language or lack of clarity can be a turn-off to a prospective match. To avoid mistakes, one should go through their profile before posting. You can seek the help of friends or family members to check out for any errors.
- You should look at other people’s profiles to acquire insight into details to incorporate into your profile. There is always something you can learn from other people. Meanwhile, your profile should communicate who you are. You are unique to yourself. Your choice should not be influenced by the needs of other people other than you.
- You should write your profile while you are happy. Your mood will determine a lot about how you write and the mood of your writing. Writing in a happy mood will give you an active portrayal through the language and choice of words in your profile.

Why You Should Embrace Online Dating
Online dating is becoming rampant in the modern generation as many people prefer online dating. The process involves self-exploration to present your true figure. Research shows that one out of five people is in a committed online relationship. The following are reasons why you should embrace online dating.
• Matching
Your profile attracts people with the same specifications hence making it easier for you to find a matching partner.
• Confidence Builder
Interacting with people with the same objectives as yours will boost your confidence and reduce the fear of rejection.
• It Helps To Save Time
The dating profile enables you to only contact interested parties and also reduces the fear of rejection.

• Communication
People communicate through messaging, chats, and phone calls before a physical meeting. Friendly or romantic relationships may sprout even before meeting up.
• Getting Access To Prospective Partners
The dating profile brings single people together under one platform where they can interact freely at will. It also brings together people who would never meet physically.
• Identifying Fake Dating Profiles
Online dating promotes the emotional connection between involved parties. Meanwhile, this is completely jeopardized by mushrooming of fake profiles. Identifying a suspicious profile is worthwhile before it’s too late. While there are no specific means to identifying a fake profile, there are some signs you should look out for. The following are ways to identify a fake dating profile.

• Sketchy Information And Details
Most fake accounts are usually understaffed with necessary information. Only one or two pictures are presented and usually belong to a pet or hobby.
• Rather Too Perfect Photos
The pictures appear Photoshopped.
• They Operate Multiple Accounts
Hackers may create and run several accounts and may often use the same pictures.
• Send You Suspicious Links
Sending funny videos and music is fine
Meanwhile, if the person shares links that you don’t have any idea about, it’s wise not to open them.

• They Avoid Video Chatting
The only way to know your online dating partner is through video calls. If someone avoids video calls, possibly they are not up to any good.
To avoid falling into the hands of fake profile account holders, keep your ‘third’ eye open.