For cystic acne treatment, there are some simple remedies you can embrace to alleviate the condition. Check out some of the things to embrace your acne scar removal. Whether you are dealing with just cystic acne or acne scar treatment, below are some of the things you should avoid doing.
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Source: Allure
Looking at those cysts can get you tempted to pick at them or prod them. But you should be warned, however, that continually touching or manipulating cysts does not in any way help your cystic acne treatment. It could further cause a rupture of the cysts beneath the skin, which will lead to more scarring and inflammation. If you begin to feel some pains in the cysts on your skin, before you even commence cystic acne treatment, you can get an ice pack and place it on it. This will keep the temperature nerves busy and take away the pain signals from the pain pathway.
Aspirin Mask

Source: The Skincare Edit
Aspirin is useful for a lot of things and during your cystic acne treatment, it could come in handy too. It could work as a soothing antidote during your cystic acne treatment, especially for inflamed or painful cystic acne. Crush aspirin and mix it in water to form a paste that you can plaster on the acne spot. Aspirin is an excellent medication for inflammation and can help reduce redness in cystic acne. It sure performs better than drying agents.
When dealing with cystic acne, there are some things you should never do so that you will not make the situation worse. Find out some of them.
Drying your face excessively

Source: Healthline
There are many over-the-counter treatments used to keep the skin dry. Avoid using these treatments excessively. Treatment medications such as sulfur and benzoyl peroxide are some of the drying treatment and using them excessively will only make the cyst look dry which can make healing and acne scar treatment somewhat delayed. For effective treatment of cystic acne, do not get rid of all the oil in your skin. Drying the skin can cause further inflammation and irritation that could worsen the cystic acne that you are trying to treat.
Never pick or itch

Source: Verywell Health
Itching and picking are the major reasons why many people have to go for acne scar treatment after treating their cystic acne. Try your best not to pick at the acne on your skin.
Reduce your intake of inflammatory foods

Source: NBC News
Inflammatory foods include sugary foods, dairy foods and highly processed foods. Reduce your intake of these kinds of foods that can increase hormonal load or production of oil. Some other inflammatory foods that increase the production of insulin include foods that have a high glycemic index such as white rice, sweets, sodas and white bread.
Some other things you could consider when looking for skincare remedies for your cystic acne treatment or acne scar removal include salicylic acid, sulfur, hydrocortisone cream, retinol and benzoyl peroxide. Click here to find out more information about acne treatment in Singapore.