Labradoodle is the breed that comes when you mix Labrador Retriever and Poodle, and these puppies are becoming one of the most famous breeds of dogs. The Labradoodle is just an adorable dog that is energetic, fun, intelligent, very loyal, and loving.
If you are reading this article, you are probably interested in getting a puppy. To help you out with your decision, we created this list of things you should know before you adopt a puppy. Check these things out and see if this breed is the right one for you and your family.
1. Energy

Source: waltzingdoodles
This breed has a lot of energy, they like to run, play, and be active all the time, so they require an owner who is going to be up for the challenge. Be careful not to leave them alone a long time right without previous training and adaptation period because they may become irritated and chew on things.
They are a handful, and they tend to jump or get on top of people, so have that on your mind before adopting one. However, if you spend enough time with them, if you make sure they have a place where they can spend all that energy, and if you train them correctly, you won’t have an issue with these amazing Labradoodle puppies.
Don’t forget that these dogs are active and that you will need to take them on at least one hour walks every day. Even though they are good companions if you have an apartment, they need to be walked every day.
2. Costs

Source: waltzingdoodles
Just like every dog, these puppies require to be maintained, cleaned, and groomed regularly. They will cost you pretty much the same as another dog would, and if you want to save up some money on grooming, then you can learn to do that on your own.
If you decide to clean and groom them yourself, you need to teach them as soon as possible, and you should use the same routine every time. Some dogs are afraid of this step, and they need to feel safe and secure. Having the same routine will help them prepare and they will know what to expect.
If you are a dog owner for the first time in your life, it is better to take your furry friend to the grooming service for a few times, see what they are doing, how they are doing it, and get some tips on what you can do on your own.
3. Allergies

Source: stocksy
These dogs are not hypoallergenic, so you should not worry that you will get allergies because of this breed. There is a common myth that dogs that come from a Goldendoodle breeder can make people allergic to them, but the reality is, if you are not allergic to other breeds, you won’t be allergic to a Labradoodle.
However, if you are not sure how you or your family will react to your new member, you should try and visit the shelter before you make a decision. Spend some time with the dogs, see how you react. And if you have a friend who has a puppy from this breed, try to spend a few hours playing with it. If you don’t have any bad reaction to it, that’s great.
Puppies that come from a good breeder and from great ancestors are less likely to cause allergies, so you should be careful when choosing the right pet for you. For example, there is a huge difference between an Irish doodle and a Bernedoodle, and if you want to learn which is the right breed for you, you can click here.
4. Health

Source: medium
One thing you should know is that every dog breed, just like every human, is prone to mild to serious health conditions. Some things you should be aware of include hip and elbow dysplasia, diabetes, ear infections, and epilepsy.
Most of these things can be kept in check if they are caught early, and even if your dog seems fine, you should take them to the vet at least once every 6 months to see if their overall health is good.
The life span of this breed is 12 to 15 years, and with good care and proper diet and exercise, they can live even longer. Some studies have shown that puppies from an Irish doodle breeder live longer, but once again, that all depends on you and how you care for your furry friend.
5. Mental Health

Source: stocksy
These dogs can suffer from serious separation anxiety, so if you plan on getting one, you should be ready to keep it. They are extremely caring and so affectionate, so if you adopt a Labradoodle, they will give their heart to you.
Make sure you train them when they are young, especially if you have to leave them alone when you go to work. Start by leaving them alone for 10-15 minutes and then increase that time frame.
You can always contact a professional service to help you out and teach your dog how to accept that you are not going to be with them all the time. Anxiety jackets can be useful in these situations, but you should do your own research and see what works best for your puppy.
6. Color

Source: labradoodle
Before you get your dog, you should that there are 3 main types of coats on Labradoodles – straight, wavy, and curly. There are also three main sizes of these puppies and they vary between miniature, medium, and standard.
The coat on your furry friend is going to change as they age and the color may even just fade away. This is not something you should be worried about, there is nothing wrong with your dog and this is all normal.
Right now, most breeders for this breed of puppies are located in California, and if you live in the States, you should start by researching more about the exact size of a puppy you want to get. Be prepared that you will need to train these dogs, groom them regularly, and you will need to spend a lot of time with them. If you like to live an active lifestyle, and if you love exercising, this is the perfect breed for you.
They are good with children and can be trained to accept other dogs, and people who already have them say that no other breed can love you like a Labradoodle.