When things get tight, you always need some extra cash to keep going. Several people depend on Craigslist ads, and some few on pawnshops. The thing is that you can always use your computer to make ends meet.
Here are some things you could sell to make money from the comfort of your home:

Source: Entertales
1. Your old stuff
If you have something you’re not using, why wouldn’t you make some cash out of it? It could be another way of clearing out your storage area and making your home look neat. Making cash out of it is what makes it make sense even more.
2. Handmade goods
If you’re good at arts and crafts, you can always use that talent to make several beautiful things that people would love. After that, you can sell them on Amazon and many other appropriate sites. This won’t make you rich, but it will surely open you a side income which will boost your financial status.

Source: wikihow.com
3. Car advertising space
When many people see a car wrapped in an organization’s ad, they tend to conclude that the driver works with the company. In most cases, it’s true, but various companies will pay you well to turn your car into a mobile billboard and promote their products and services.
You can always approach such companies online, and negotiate for such gigs that may help you cover some of your bills.
4. Old books
Some people have a whole bunch of books they used a very long time ago, and some people could really need them. When you decide to sell the books, you find that the used bookstores will pay you a good percentage of what the book will be able to bring forth.
This is an excellent way to earn extra cash, and at the same time, clean up your house.

Source: subir.pw
5. Gold Jewelry
Do you have a jewelry drawer? With gold always on high demand, and at good rates, it’s high time you go through your jewelry drawer and take out all the hideous jewelry you were ever given as gifts and inheritance.
With them, you can be sure to make a good amount of money. Don’t sit on a treasure. If you’re not using them, make money from them.
6. Recyclable materials
These refer to things such as newspapers, bottles, bags, magazines, and many others. All you need to do is to confirm with the nearest recycling center what they take in. After that, go back and start a collection bin for the items.
This is a great way to boost your wallet and keep your environment clean.

Source: conventionalprinting.com
The above tips are just a few out of the very many ways to make extra cash. The Money Sack will help you know and understand more about how you can make more money and be able to save your target amount. Financial freedom is all you should be fighting for in this era.