A bucket list is a forever-changing process that keeps evolving and increasing as we get older. There are some things you have maybe done by now, but in case you haven’t, here is a list of feel-good experiences that you just have to do before you turn 35.
- Sleep under the open sky.
- Travel to all 7 continents
- Start a project from scratch.
- Turn off your internet for a week.
- Learn a party trick.
- Participate in a marathon.
- See your favorite band or singer live.
- Share your food with a homeless person.
- Enjoy and commemorate small stuff in your life.
- Adopt a stray animal.
- Research your roots.
- Experience zero gravity.
- Get familiar with another culture.
- Excel at one sport.
- Convey your knowledge to younger generations.
- Plant a tree, or a flower.
- Master your signature dish.
- Enjoy your favorite childhood game.
- Experience a safari ride.
- Volunteer.
- Trust game.
Sleep under the open sky.
Travel to all 7 continents
Start a project from scratch.
Turn off your internet for a week.
Learn a party trick.
Participate in a marathon.
See your favorite band or singer live.
Enjoy and commemorate small stuff in your life.
Adopt a stray animal.
Research your roots.
Experience zero gravity.
Get familiar with another culture.
Excel at one sport.
Convey your knowledge to younger generations.
Plant a tree, or a flower.
Master your signature dish.
Enjoy your favorite childhood game.
Experience a safari ride.
Trust game.
Source: brightside.me