Please. Stop. Now.
Lots of people have all sorts of unconventional fetishes. There is acrotomophilia, which is arousal to amputees. People who have a thing for pubic hair is called pubephilia. And there are actually people out there who get turned on by something typically non-sexual, like falling down the stairs, a.k.a. climacophilia.
I’m not sure how you know you are into this fetish, but formicophilia is when you get turned on by small creatures like bugs or slugs being on your body. While most people cringe at things like ants and maggots, it’s a turn on for a select few.
Here’s what it’s like for woman with formicophilia.

Source: Flickr
Definitley not the first
I’m sure formicophilia has been around for centuries, but the first reported case was of a young boy of nine-years-old. The boy had developed a fascination with ants and how ticklish they were crawling on his legs.
During puberty, the young man branched out to collecting cockroaches and snails. He had also started masturbating with his collection of ants crawling on him.
At age 28, he was jerking off while cockroaches crawled on his thighs and testicles, and snails crawled over his n*pples and p*nis. He even involved frogs sometimes. The anonymous man claimed to be disgusted with himself, but it was the only way he was able to get sexual pleasure at all.

Source: Saikorn/Shutterstock
The Problem
In January 2018, sexpert Dan Savage posted a question from one of the readers on his famous advice column, Savage Love.
The man wrote:
“I recently started seeing a gorgeous 24-year-old woman who’s smart and sweet and also happens to have a few out-there fetishes. There’s not much I’ll say no to, Dan, but one of the things she’s into is formicophilia (a sexual interest in being crawled on or nibbled by insects). I offered to get some ants and worms to crawl on her body while I f**k her, but she wants me to put earthworms in her v*gina. Is there a safe way to do this? Female condom? I want to help, but putting worms in your v*gina seems like it will end with an embarrassing trip to the ER.”
I am very much against kink-shaming. As long as everything is consensual and doesn’t physically or emotionally harm anyone else, you do you. I mean, personally I’d pay you to keep worms away from any part of me, but that doesn’t mean this woman’s atypical fetish is wrong (unless you are PETA).

Source: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock
The Worms
Dan went to a doctor in order to answer this man’s question. Dr. Jen Gunter, an ob-gyn in San Francisco, is a big debunker of vaginal fads… so pretty much anything Gwyneth Paltrow says on GOOP, like the jade egg fad that was supposed to “help cultivate sexual energy” while taking “away negative energy.”
Dr. Gunter said, “This is obviously unstudied,” Dr. Gunter said, “but anything that lives in soil could easily inoculate the v*gina with pathogenic bacteria. Also, I am not sure what earthworm innards could do to the v*gina, but I am guessing the worms would get squished and meet an untimely demise during s*x. How would you get the pieces of dead earthworm out of her[…]? I can think of a lot of ways this could go very wrong. I would advise against it.”
Anything left in the vaginal canal is a bad idea as it can create irritations at best and serious infections at the worst. And trying to douche all the bits out could just push them up further.

Source: pathdoc/Shutterstock
Gummy worms? Not the same as they’ll just sit there and it is also a medically bad idea to shove sugary food products up in there.
With all the technology, I’d wager money that there is some sort of vibrator out there that could closely mimic the sensation of slithering worms.
There is also a therapy that helps alleviate the shame and guilt the person has about their fetish. But it doesn’t sound like this young women is ashamed at all.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve heard of someone putting something in an orifice?
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Original by Chewy Boese