You graduated from college, found a job and now adult life is starting. It is no longer your only obligation to study, but you are responsible for many things, and of course for your financial situation. Whether you have a small salary as a beginner or intern or you are lucky and immediately find a well-paid job, you definitely need to take care of your finances. While this may sound easy, it still requires detailed planning.
There is no subject in school that will teach you that, and you probably haven’t talked to your parents about it either. Things like how to manage your income, whether it is a good move to take a loan and many other things are unknown to you. So we will help you with tips on how to make a financial strategy as a young professional.

1. Learn not to spend money on unnecessary things
You need to develop self-control, if you don’t already have it. Of course, sometimes we need to give ourselves a break and buy something we want, not everything has to be just useful, something needs to fulfill some of our desires. But the problem may be that now that you’re making money for the first time in your life, which is not a part-time job during high school, you start spending too much on completely unnecessary things. It is especially bad if you pay for such things with a credit card. As long as you pay something right away, that’s fine, but don’t let yourself pay interest on something you didn’t even need in the first place.
2. Don’t use a credit card for everything
While it is tempting to put off spending, it will often do you more harm than good. Imagine how much money you will lose by paying interest on food and similar things you buy every day. Use a credit card when buying something more, like a home appliance or even bigger, like a car. But you try to pay the daily expenses immediately. Only then will you be able to have a detailed planned financial strategy. Also, have only one credit card, no matter how tempting it may seem to have more. But it is a sure path to trouble.

Source: personalfinance
3. You should try to keep your credit score high
A credit score can have a big impact on your life. You probably know that it represents a person’s creditworthiness and is subject to change. Try to keep it high, because banks and other lenders will check your entire history, and it is best that the score has always been high. This way you will ensure that you can take out a loan if you need it, and also with a lower interest rate. That is important because certain banks will give a loan to someone with a bad score, but under very unfavorable conditions.
4. Write down all your expenses
It would be good to write down all your expenses, at least in the beginning. Let it be even the smallest expenses, like breakfast. That is the only way to know in such detail where your money is going. Because think about exactly how much money you spent yesterday and on what. You will always forget something and wonder where you spent that extra 30 or 50 dollars. You try to write everything down for at least a month and then you will be able to make a financial strategy for the future based on that information.

Source: tweakyourbiz
5. Start saving
As soon as you start making money, you should start saving. Even though you have to repay some debts like a student loan, you try to save at least some money every month. It doesn’t have to be a large sum, but it is important to increase your emergency fund every month. When an unforeseen situation occurs, it will be very important for you to have an emergency fund. If you see that you are failing to save a single dollar, go visit where you will find practical tips on how to save.
6. Find out about the tax
It is necessary to immediately understand how taxes work on various things, and above all on income. You need to know how to calculate the amount of tax based on the salary you receive and only when you know how much is the amount, then you can make a financial strategy. It means nothing to you to make a financial strategy against the money you will not have when the tax is deducted. There are also various online calculators, which can help you with this.

Source: Finanças Femininas
7. Don’t neglect health insurance
Even though you are young and think you will not have any health problems, you must not take that risk. You need to pay for health insurance regularly. While it may seem to you that this is an excessive amount that you cannot pay or you will have to save on some other things because of it, know that it is the most important investment. Every minor injury will cost you thousands of dollars if you don’t have health insurance, not to mention major injuries and illnesses. You may be healthy, but you never know when a car accident or something like that could happen. And then, if you don’t have health insurance, you run into big debts.
8. Think about retirement
Although retirement now seems like something very far away to you, because it is 30 or 40 years away from you, it is still something you need to think about. Just as your parents started saving for your college as soon as you were born, so you must immediately start saving for retirement. There are many companies that offer different retirement plans, and some of them will surely suit you. Now that you’re at the beginning, you don’t have to spend big money on a retirement fund right away, but increase the amount later.

Source: Canyon Crossing Recovery
To live a pleasant life, it is necessary to take care of your finances and always have a strategy. If you allow yourself to fall into debt, your whole life will turn into trying to repay those debts.