Moving to a different city of a state can be a pretty challenging and exciting task. There are numerous reasons for making a decision like this, but the fact is it is a process and it requires in-depth preparations so your transition goes as smoothly as possible. Being prepared and ready will help you fight all the fears you may have concerning the change because one thing is for sure – changing the address initiates many small and big changes along the way. However, look at it as an adventure and you will soon realize that you are happy about it and excited to get to know new people and discover new places. Here are a few tips that will make your move a breeze.
1. Learn about the state you are about to move to
Thanks to the Internet, we now have unlimited possibilities and the opportunity to learn new things in a matter of minutes. Take your time and slowly prepare a guide for yourself, so once you actually move, you can enjoy exploring the new surroundings. List all the new places that look appealing to you. Write down all the cafes near your job where you could go to relax and grab some coffee.
If you are interested in the nightlife, check the clubs that could be interesting to you, or if you have kids, where are the best schools and the places they could meet kids their age? It depends largely on your interests and activities that you like to do in your free time. Being familiar with all the interesting places will surely help you feel more secure and relaxed. The usual fear people have when they move is that they won’t have any new friends, so help your family and yourself to overcome this initial period by setting the appointments in advance, so there is something to look forward to.
2. Find a suitable place to live
Do your research and find a house or an apartment that will be suitable for the needs of your family. Think about the space you need. Do you need a large bathroom or two smaller ones? How many bedrooms do you need? Do you want to have a separate kitchen or you are flexible? Do you want to have a large yard? All these factors largely impact the end price, but it is necessary to assess all the available options.
Type in all the requirements and narrow down your list. After that, see what you like the most and what would be the best fit for your family. Think about the budget you have planned for the new house. Calculate all your monthly expenses and make a decision based on that. By putting everything on paper, it will be much easier for you to decide and to be happy with the decision after.
3. Organize the move
Go through all the stuff you have in your home and see if you truly need all of them. If there are plenty of things that you are not using anymore and you are just moving back and forth, this may be the perfect timing to give them away, sell them or simply throw them, so you can make a room for some new energy and the things that will fit into your new lifestyle. It is recommendable to make an inventory list according to It will help you to get a realistic price from the moving company, but it can also be a great motivation to decrease the clutter.
Pack everything up with great care and make sure you mark the boxes properly. This will make it easier for the moving team to transfer the things safely, so there are minimal damages. Also, that will help you to place everything where necessary once you start decorating your new home. Labels are life saviors after the move, they will be your guide through the chaos, so you can make priorities and cut back the frustration.
Find the moving company that will take care of the move. Arrange the time and date they will come. Make sure you confirm it a few times, so you can be sure they will be on your doorstep exactly when you need them to come. Give them all the information considering your current and the future address, so they can plan the route.
4. Inform family and friends about the move
This is truly important because sometimes we forget to call everyone and tell them all the important information about the time of the move, the date, new address. Stay in touch with everyone and don’t forget to call them often. Sometimes moving can feel like getting detached from the people you love, but keep in mind that the internet is helpful in many ways. With so many means of communication, you can always send a message, an image, or have a video call. There is truly no reason to miss out on time with family or friends. Also, make sure you redirect your mail and inform all your business associates where they can reach you.
5. Enjoy the process
Moving can be stressful, there is no doubt about that, but there is also something exciting about going to a new state and discovering the beauty of a new city. Give yourself time to adjust and to plan everything well. Make sure you are connected to the people you love and call them every time you miss them. Write all the steps you need to take to settle down and to make everything work.
Remember, people move all the time and there is a very important reason for it – it lets us get to know some other parts of our personality that we didn’t see before. There are plenty of good and interesting people that we should meet and the new places to explore. Every new move is a chance to build our life again and make it even better!