It’s safe to say that cars are dangerous vehicles and every time we step behind the wheel, we are in full control of what is going to happen next. If you’re reading this article, then chances are you might feel you’re not the best driver. You might even feel scared every time you get behind the wheel. But no matter if you are an experienced or inexperienced driver; do understand that you can always improve your driving skills to become better at it. Do you want to know the key secret to it? Practice, and then practice some more.
But, we can always go into more details about how to improve your driving skills. And because of that, we are going to tell you the tips on how to become a better driver
1. Take a Driving Course
Nowadays it would seem that anything can be learned online. And a driving course is one thing that is no different from it. Not only can you take an online driving course, but that course can save you a lot of money on your car insurance. Furthermore, they offer a great way to increase your knowledge and test it all the while. Online driving courses are a no brainer for someone who looks to improve as a driver, and they are fairly cheap as well.

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2. Improve Your Parking Skills
I remember my greatest fear as a young driver was how to parallel park and how to park in tight spaces. While those fears went away as soon as I got the hang of it, these useful driving hacks on how to parallel park in tight spaces might help you overcome that obstacle.
- Find a suitable location to park. Space should be big enough to park your car without damaging any other vehicle in the process
- Pull up to the first car (the furthest) in a parallel position
- Stop and turn your steering wheel all the way to the left, remember not to move whilst doing this
- Put it in reverse, make sure to look out of the back of the car and start reversing very slowly until you reach the 2nd car.
3. 10 and 2s on the Steering Wheel?
I cannot stress how much my instructor got angry with me for improper hands on wheel positioning. But for a couple of years now, it seems that those rules have changed? Now it seems that we (the students) were right, and 10 and 2 are not wrong. Nowadays, driving instructors to teach their students to have the hands-on eighter 9 and 3 or 8 and 4. Why? Well, it seems that those positions give you more control (we were right from the start) and stability whilst driving. Furthermore, it is the best ergonomic position to hold your hands for longer periods of time without getting tired. This way your muscles are in a relaxed position and you have more control over your vehicle.
And this is important because the safer and more comfortable you feel, the better you will drive.

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4. Always Adjust Your Mirrors to Cover Blind Spots
The first thing that you will be taught in driving school is to always fasten your seat belt and adjust the mirrors to give you a full rear view. But, if you’re not a beginner, then you can always adjust the mirrors so far outward so that they overlap your rearview mirror. This is extremely important because they give us a sense of security of when to switch lanes or not, subsequently making you less nervous and a better driver.