If you are a school or a college student, you are familiar with an essay as a part of your homework and the tasks that are given out by the teacher. And there is a reason why the essay is the most favorite form of homework task – apart from you practicing your writing skills, grammar and spelling it is there to active your analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills as an essay topic is usually a one to debate one. Still, many of us are always fighting with essay deadlines for numerous reasons while it would be much better if we’re able to write one on time and stay trouble free.
Most of the deadline problems come as a consequence of bad planning or procrastinating. Now, the second one you will have to figure out on your own, but we can give you a few tips on how to create a more effective plan and write a complete essay in a matter of few hours. Let’s take a look!

Source: OurPublicSchool.org
How To Write An Essay In Few Hours
1. First and foremost, you should go ahead and put time into understanding the topic. As mentioned above, the teacher will usually give you a debatable topic and not a simple review of existing opinions. What does this mean? Well, it means that you will need to activate your analytical thinking and put your thoughts into the process. That is why understanding what is asked from you is the first step in writing an essay – check the available sources and literature; consult with your colleagues; or even ask your teacher on additional info if you are not sure what the requirements If you don’t do this beforehand chances are this step will take you a lot of time and energy once you start writing.
2. Along with that, research is the key to every good essay. And while some are able to research while writing an essay, our tip is to prepare everything beforehand. Set out some time to read the available sources and discuss those on your own. If you want to write an essay in 3 hours, you will have to set out valuable sources apart from those that just take your time away. Once you figure out the literature, you will use it is time to go ahead and write.

Source: Assignment Essay Help
3. Doing research is important for two reasons – figuring out the literature and forming an opinion on the matter. As mentioned above you will have to take one of two or more sides, and that is where research comes in handy. After you have done that, it might be wise to go ahead and write an outline. And though some people think it just a waste of time believe us a good outline will give you an excellent start and writing your essay from that point will be a matter of routine.
4. The time has come, you have everything prepared, and now it is the moment to write an essay in 3 hours. Here is a tip to remember – once you start writing don’t stop. If you have already done your research and created an outline that covers the opinion, you will be posing write what you wanted in one breath. You will do the proofreading and correcting later, but you will be more effective if you write simply by following your thoughts and mind process. Once that is done you should invest the remaining time to check for grammar and spelling mistakes, and correct certain phrases.

Source: College Admissions Strategies
Although for some people writing an essay is a nightmare it isn’t that hard, and you can finish one in time without having to worry about breaking the deadline. Remember, preparation is the key, so once you have all the steps done you are set and ready to deliver an outstanding essay in a matter of a few hours!