PotentialProstitutes.com is a hideous new website that posts the photos, locations and phone numbers of women who it deems might be sex workers. Many of the pics appear to be mug shots, which would suggest at least some of the women featured on the site have been arrested in the past for sex work. But if you’re an extra special douchebag, you can submit random people for inclusion on Potential Prostitutes.
A huge “Delete This Profile Now!” button appears on the bottom of each page and in order to get your name cleared, you have to pay “a hefty fee,” according to Boing Boing, which has a good breakdown of all the ways this blackmail scam could be illegal. Holy exploitation, Batman!
Not that there’s anything wrong with consensual sex work. But the sole purpose of Potential Prostitutes is to shame women — and yes, all the profiles I saw on the site were women — and make a buck while doing it.
RIP, society. [Boing Boing via NYmag.com]
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