If you are using cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, and you also like to play games on your smartphone, there is a great solution to combining these two. There are games on the market for your smartphone device that will reward you in Bitcoin while you are playing them.
Also, you should check btradesignalpro if you are interested in trading with BTC on the market. When it comes to the Bitcoin Games for smartphones, here are the Top Five BTC Games that you can download in 2019.
Spark Profit

Source: thecoinshark
Spark Profit is a simulation where you can predict the fluctuation rate for real markets like Fprex, or crypto markets. You can be rewarded with points for your accuracy, and when you collect enough points, you can convert them to Bitcoin.
The Spark Profit game is available for PC, Android, and IOS. Some of the best features are that you can earn up to 100 dollars per week, you can play it on both PC and the smartphone. Also, there is great customer support and privacy for personal information.
Spells of Genesis

Source: spellsofgenesis
Spells of Genesis is an RPG game that represents a card game with an additional arcade. It is one of the longest-running bitcoin RPGs today. In this game, you can trade and collect orbs to create a stronger deck and play against other users.
Spells of Genesis is a free game that is made with blockchain technology. You can trade with your blockchain cards, even outside of the game. If you are successful, you can win a lot of blockchain cards, that you can store on your Bitcoin account.

Source: snapwidget
RollerCoin is a simulation game where you are mining bitcoin and compete against other people. This represents a different concept of mining cryptocurrencies, with tasks, mini-games, and a lot of tests, which in the end rewards you with bitcoin.
However, in this game, you might get to do some real jobs, such as paying some bills online or check some data. There is a mini reward on every five minutes. This website started in 2018, and since then it paid 1.65 BTC. The process of payment lasts up to two days.
Bitcoin Alien Run

Source: youtube
The Alien Run is a popular smartphone game where you can earn many prices, which later you can convert in real money, the bitcoin. This game is available for IOS and Android. Also, there is a minimum payout of just 0.0002, that you can withdraw once a week, every Tuesday.
The main character in the game is Daniel D`Alien, and you are joining with him to complete daily tasks and win prizes. For each unique mission that you pass, there is some mini reward in BTC. Also, this game is great for people who like 2D games similar to Super Mario.
Bitcoin Flip

Source: launchingnext
Bitcoin Flip is another simulation game where you can learn about the crypto markets and how does it all work. But, on the other side, here you can also enjoy and have fun. You can simulate the trading of all kinds of digital assets.
Also, you can compete with other players to see who has learned more about trading on the market with cryptocurrencies. However, this game doesn’t have a feature where you can earn any BTC, but it represents a great simulation where you can learn more about it.