It’s true; everything can be found on the internet today. Sites like Amazon offer just about everything delivered to your door in what feels like an hour, or log in to an online gaming platform for 4 hours, and even skip the pharmacy in favor of sending someone a birthday card you can find here. So often, in fact, that people have forgotten, or in some cases never knew, the joy of setting a board game up on the table for the family to play or curling up on the couch to read a good paperback book as the snow falls outside.
While it is true that you can find free books for your Kindle on many different sites on the internet, there is just something about holding a paperback book in your hand, flipping the pages, and even the smell that brings back memories of childhood for many readers. In fact, studies have been done to show that print books are better than one in electric form. Keeping that in mind, read on below for a few of the reasons you should drop that Kindle and pick up a real book instead.
More Enjoyable for the Reader
When you have a printed book in your hands, the pages are soft to the touch. An ebook seems to have a more clinical feel to it. Since many people work on computers all day long, the last thing they want is to come home and stare at another screen with words on it.

Source: vox
Helps Readers Keep Up With the Plot
A recent study by The Guardian showed that ebooks could be hard to absorb. This study showed that people who read print books found it easier to keep up with the plot of the story. It seems that, when you read ebooks, you’re more apt to skim instead of getting immersed in the plot, and you miss key details that would have helped you enjoy the story more.
Libraries and Bookstores
One of the main reasons that printed books are better than ebooks is the ability to stroll through stores and your local library in search of books to read. If you’ve been a book nerd for most of your life, then you already know the joy of browsing at your local library or bookstore. The smell of books and just the fact that there are tons upon tons of choices is enough to send you for the keys to head to one or the other right away. It’s even possible to grab a book in these places, then curl up in a chair in one of the cozy sitting areas, and read undisturbed for a bit. How’s that for reading a good book?

Source: travelandleisure
You Can Read Them in the Tub
Have you ever tried to read an ebook on the Kindle or Nook in the bathtub? Many people have, and it ended up being a disaster. If you drop your print book in the tub, you’re out maybe $10 to $15. If you drop your Kindle in the water, you’re going to be out quite a bit more.
It’s Fairer to the Author
While ebooks may sell more in some instances, in reality, buying a print one is being much fairer to the person who wrote it. It is said that publishers give lower royalties on ebooks, so it’s harder for the author to make a living or even to write a follow-up book with ebook royalties. So, buying a print one is much better for your favorite author.
These are just a few of the top reasons that many people prefer to print over one online form. And you can read more about why real books are better than e-books on Literally Darling That’s not to say you need to throw your Kindle in the drawer and let it collect dust; it’s just to say that print books still have their place in the world as well. What do you think?