Obtaining a visa for any country is just too stressful and exhausting. Luckily, tons of services can be utilized to help you cope with the process. One of the most stressful things about the whole process is the anticipation one has to go through, wondering the whole time if the visa is going to be issued or if it will be denied. This especially applies to couples who wish to get married and start communion as soon as possible.
Being denied simply isn’t an option. Therefore, you need to make sure you do everything right with the application and deliver all the documents needed. You also need to keep in mind there are two different types of visas you can apply for if marrying is the reason for your travel. Here you can choose from marry or fiancé type. The first one is usually issued for not more than six months, after which he or she has to return to the country of origin and apply for a spouse visa from there. In the second scenario, after marriage, your spouse doesn’t need to get to his or her country of origin in order to apply for a visa. He or she can do so from the UK, even though the visa they entered with is issued for a period of six months. To learn more about how this process works, go to https://imperiallegal.com/media/articles/fiancee-visa-or-marriage-visa-what-visa-you-need-to-marry-in-the-uk
Just as is the case with any other type of visa, this one too can be rejected, but since you’re reading this article, you want to know how often.
We’ve mentioned how the whole process can be exhausting, and the worst thing about it is the waiting game once you file your application. Some statistics have shown that one in every four applications is denied, and in order to minimize the risk of being denied in the first place, one should consider the chances of being denied before applying. In reality, people start worrying about this only after their application has been submitted. No need to mention how this is a bit too late.
However, this should not be seen as the end of the road, since there are steps one can take in order to minimize the risk of being denied and to try to obtain the visa again, after being denied.
In both cases hiring professional help, or a service to help you deal with the whole thing is something you shouldn’t think twice about doing. If for some reason, you got rejected, they know who to contact in order to check why you were refused (since embassies do not bother explaining) and if there are ground for appeal. If there are, rest assured you’ll be given a skilled lawyer to deal with the case.
Common reasons for being refused
Thinking about all the reasons you can be denied, it is truly hard to find a good one in case of marriage. But, as we said earlier, it happens, quite often even. One of the first requirements most fail to meet is of financial nature. The second one is failing to prove the relationship between you two is genuine. There are quite a lot of cases of people faking being in a relationship just to obtain visas, so embassies are extra careful and strict regarding this matter. They simply expect you to prove with valid evidence the relationship is real.
From the perspective of the applicant, this requirement is both difficult and tricky, because believe it or not, there are cases of people submitting too much evidence and raising suspicion about the whole thing being real, therefore being denied. So, one has to inform themselves about what are the types of evidence they consider most relevant and use only such. Again, the help of an agent over this matter comes in super handy. Guidelines given by the Home Office can be tough to navigate without someone skilled in this area.
What to do in case of refusal?
So, we’ve already concluded that this is the scenario that you want to avoid since it is so stressful. But, in case it happens you want to go through the appeal process since it is an option. There are a couple of ways to this, the most common would be to appeal under the grounds of human rights, the European convention that is. If you do this, the Home Office will be obliged to review their decision, which may end in you obtaining the visa finally. Therefore, a positive outcome.
Keep in mind there are deadlines here. If you want to start the appeal process, you have to react by submitting it within two to four weeks from receiving the denial letter. Two weeks for those in the UK, and four for people applying from their country of origin.
When you complete it, you can also choose to have an oral hearing. This may be a good option since it allows you to have representatives by your side. Of course, it comes with a price slightly higher than without it.
This process is being initiated by you because you have more evidence to prove the relationship is real, therefore you are including them in your appeal.
The oral hearing can be scheduled in person, via phone, or via a video call. Whatever suits you best, although we suggest keeping it in person if possible, of course.
Check if the application is filed correctly
Apart from the reasons mentioned earlier, you’d be surprised how many people get rejected just because the application was not submitted correctly. Here we are talking about the lack of certain documents, or just not paying attention to what is written in the guidelines. This may be the best reason for you to be denied since it can be very quickly corrected. For this reason, we strongly advise you to stick to the guidelines and make sure everything is filled according to these.