We all need ways to wind down and relax, especially in this 21st-century world where work can encroach on home life in the average US household to the extent that it is not always easy to find down time. Over the generations, people have embraced different relaxation aids, from yoga and reading to other pursuits and stimulants that can be less beneficial to long-term health.
When vaping first started to become popular in the US about 15 years ago, it was seen as a healthier alternative to some of those more harmful pursuits. But that has started to change, especially over the past five years or so. Millennials are now, broadly speaking, in their late 20s and 30s. They tend to see vaping as a lifestyle choice in its own right as opposed to any sort of substitute. The US vaping industry is quickly waking up to this fact and pitching its products accordingly.

Source: pricepointny.com
A new vaping culture
People love to connect around a shared interest, whether it is a style of music or a type of cuisine, or a love of fashion – or vaping! From hanging out together on a Friday to enjoy a vape and maybe a few drinks, to social media groups where people can discuss their favorite vapes and different flavors, vaping is bringing people together and helping them form social connections that are completely disconnected from the workplace.
Forward-thinking vape companies keep innovating. This can include coming up with new designs such as pod vapes or offering different flavors of oil. The upshot is that vapers are unlikely to run out of things to discuss any time soon!
CCELLs have made vapes fashionable
Fashionistas love to talk about everything from the latest hairstyles to the newest boot designs – and everything that comes in between! Over the last couple of years, US-based CCELL has really led the way in creating a new market from the ground up with vapes that are more like fashion accessories than anything else.
Just as ladies and men might choose to accessorize with jewelry, watches, tie pins and even fancy covers for their mobile phones, a CCELL vape pod can be chosen to coordinate with an outfit or with other accessories.
Meanwhile CCELL cartridges are the fastest growing type of vapes in terms of US sales. They come in different types and sizes, and represent one of the most subtle ways of being able to enjoy a quick vape – and maybe even a shared secret. Prince Harry, America’s very own slice of the Royal Family, recently revealed he has enjoyed an occasional vape during crown ceremonies, so there is even royal precedent!

Source: tomsshoes.ca
Tailored to the smartphone generation
The millennial market wasn’t quite born with a smartphone in its hand. However, it is safe to say that even older millennials who are nudging 40 will have no real memory of a world without the internet and of e-commerce. It sounds impossible, but Amazon will celebrate its 30 year anniversary in two years’ time!
So for millennials, the internet has always been the obvious place to go to buy books, music and so on. This is part of the reason that Hamilton Devices, the US-based company that is CCELL’s main distribution partner has put a great deal of emphasis – and investment – into its online store. In short, it is open to vapers across the globe and ships the full range of CCELL products and accessories.
Yes, Hamilton also acts as a more conventional kind of wholesaler, supplying specialist vape shops and corner stores in the physical world. But even its wholesaling model is more focused on online sales, and the company works with dropshippers across the globe to meet and exceed the expectations of customers – including millennials who are accustomed to extremely rapid turnarounds and who do not take kindly to waiting.
Vaping as part of a healthier lifestyle
We won’t dive into the question of long term health impacts of vaping. This is not because there is any real controversy around it, but more because there are literally dozens of studies ongoing right now. Their conclusions will be published for all to see in due course, so there is so sense in pre-empting them. What we can say with confidence is that vaping provides a much less harmful choice to more traditional alternatives. This is backed up by a significant body of anecdotal evidence.
CCELL specifically has devoted a lot of time and effort to maintain the industry’s best safety record. The company’s safety standards have become industry benchmarks and CCELL coils exceed the most stringent regulatory standards that exit for heavy metal content. Furthermore, using ceramic as a wick material does not just deliver benefits in terms of smoothness. The substance is considerably more chemically inert than alternative materials such as cotton or wood that have been used in the past.

Source: wellcomecollection.org
Changing times in the vaping world
In conclusion, there are strong indications that vaping has become a lifestyle choice for many people in the US and also over in Europe. This is especially the case among those in what is loosely termed the millennial generation. Yet this is only the beginning. Across the Western world, the vaping market is growing at an annual compound rate of about 30 percent.
That is the sort of growth that most companies in most industries could only dream of. So yes, of course there are still some unknowns about the industry and we are right to treat these with caution – or at least with cautious optimism.
However, the social and cultural impact that vaping is already having on US society in general and millennials in particular cannot be ignored. A balanced view would be that as vaping continues to grow in popularity, it is important to embrace its positive aspects and to keep coming up with new products for rapidly developing markets. At the same time, industry players must remain cognizant that there are unknowns.