We have covered a lot of topics that fall under the umbrella of dating and relationships at The Frisky, but one that we haven’t covered before is vaping and dating. How can vaping impact your chances of landing a date? What about smoking? While we may not have the exact answers to these questions, there is research that sheds some light on how daters feel about smoking and dating, and that’s what we’re going to talk about today in this article.
If you didn’t already gather from the title of this article, research has shown that vaping instead of smoking might actually result in better odds of finding a date. How is this possible? Let’s find out.
- How Vaping Instead of Smoking Can Improve Your Odds of Landing a Date
- Why Daters Do Not Want to Date Smokers
- A Conversation Starter: Vaping as an Icebreaker
- Healthier Lifestyle Choices: Demonstrating Responsibility and Self-Care
- A Word of Caution: Balancing Vaping with Consideration for Others
- Should Smokers Switch to Vapes to Land a Date?
How Vaping Instead of Smoking Can Improve Your Odds of Landing a Date
Match.com, one of the largest online dating platforms in existence, surveyed its members to learn more about their dating preferences. One of the things that they asked them was whether they preferred to date non-smokers. Most of them, a whopping 90%, answered that they would rather not date someone that smokes. For smokers, that’s a lot of potential rejection stemming from their nasty habit.

Source: canva.com
But what about vaping?
Inogen, a global leader in portable oxygen therapy that manufactures oxygen concentrators for patients that require supplemental oxygen, conducted a survey that found that the vast majority of respondents who were smokers or vapers said that they would find switching from smoking to vaping to be attractive. While the exact reason is unclear, Inogen theorized that the reason why smokers and vapers are more attracted to those who switch from smoking to vaping is that they can empathize with those potential partners. This finding was more pronounced with vapers, possibly because many of them had made the same change in their own lives.
Why Daters Do Not Want to Date Smokers
With smoke smelling, well, like smoke, and vapor smelling like a wide range of things from fruits to candy and so on, it might not be too much of a surprise to learn that 91% of respondents to Inogen’s survey said that they would not date a smoker because the smell was too disgusting. In contrast, only 53% said that they would not date a vaper for the same reason. Maybe the respondents that said they wouldn’t date a vaper because they’re repulsed by the smell of vapor never smelled a vape juice that they actually liked.
Beyond the smell of smoke, there were other reasons why respondents said that they wouldn’t date a smoker. These reasons included secondhand smoke, which we know can cause serious health problems that include death, and the potential for their partner to have serious health problems caused by smoking. So there are two big reasons right there: personal health and the health of one’s partner.
Other reasons for not dating smokers include their bad breath and poor taste when sharing a kiss, general unattractiveness, yellow teeth, the financial burden it places on the smoker, and the chance that they might smell bad just from being around their partner who smokes.

Source: en.wikipedia.org
A Conversation Starter: Vaping as an Icebreaker
Vaping has emerged as a unique conversation starter, acting as an icebreaker in social settings. It’s growing popularity and distinct presence make it an intriguing topic for discussion. Whether you’re at a party or a casual gathering, pulling out your vape device can capture attention and curiosity. People may approach you with questions about the device, the flavors you enjoy, or even their own experiences with vaping. This common interest creates an instant connection and opens the door for engaging conversations. Vaping as an icebreaker not only helps break the initial awkwardness but also paves the way for meaningful interactions and the chance to forge new connections.
Healthier Lifestyle Choices: Demonstrating Responsibility and Self-Care
Making healthier lifestyle choices, such as opting for vaping instead of smoking, demonstrates a sense of responsibility and self-care. By choosing to vape, individuals showcase their commitment to their well-being and the well-being of those around them. This decision reflects a desire to minimize the harmful effects associated with traditional smoking. It shows a proactive approach towards maintaining good health and improving the quality of life. Demonstrating responsibility and self-care through healthier choices like vaping sends a powerful message to potential partners or individuals in social situations. It highlights a sense of mindfulness, discipline, and a commitment to personal growth, all of which contribute to a positive impression and can foster healthier and more meaningful relationships.

Source: newyorker.com
A Word of Caution: Balancing Vaping with Consideration for Others
Despite being a less harmful alternative to smoking, the aerosol produced by vaping can still be bothersome for some individuals, especially those with respiratory conditions or sensitivities. Being mindful of your surroundings and respecting designated areas where vaping is allowed is essential. Engaging in open communication and seeking consent from others before vaping in shared spaces demonstrates thoughtfulness and consideration. Striking a balance between enjoying your vape and respecting the comfort of others creates a harmonious environment for everyone involved.
Should Smokers Switch to Vapes to Land a Date?
All considered, there seem to be a lot of reasons why people in the dating pool would rather not date someone that smokes. For vapers, this is good news (to an extent) because potential love interests, according to the data from these two surveys, are less likely to be repulsed by their habit. If landing a date is of the utmost concern, smokers might want to seriously consider switching to vaping. That is if the data from these surveys can be relied upon.
But the reason for quitting smoking probably shouldn’t be to land a date. The reason why someone (everyone, really) that smokes should quit smoking is because it’s a dangerous habit with potentially life-threatening consequences. How bad is smoking for your health? The American Lung Association says that more people die from lung cancer than any of the other types of cancer and that cigarette smoking is responsible for almost 90% of lung cancer cases. That right there should be all the reasons that smokers need to quit.