When a loved one passes, one of the most important things for many of us is keeping their memory alive and giving them the send-off they deserve. Cremation is the most popular choice in the UK, with over 77% of us choosing this over burial.
But after the celebration of life has ended and we try to return to normality. Many of us left with the question of what to do with the ashes of those who have passed?
Traditional methods of scattering ashes are still wonderful ways to say a final goodbye, but you may be looking for something more unique and as fun, as they were. If you are looking for a particular way to scatter ashes, read below for our top 5 exceptional ideas.
1. Use a Drone

Source: ifworlddesignguide
Those who passed may have requested that you take them to a specific location for their final resting place. While we, of course, encourage you to follow their wishes, it doesn’t mean you have to use traditional methods for scattering.
A modern method is using a drone; professional companies are now offering these services so ashes can be scattered far and wide and even hard to reach places. You can also add something to make it a little more unique such as flower petals and even biodegradable glitter.
Perhaps your loved one wished for their ashes to be scattered at sea, but the idea of hiring a boat for you and your family is not practical, this is an excellent alternative as they can still rest in the ocean, but you can stay safely on dry land.
This can be turned into another event to remember those who have passed. It’s an excellent alternative for those who could not make the funeral or for children too young to have attended such an event.
You can announce your intentions at the funeral, details of time and location can be placed in the order of service, especially if you are customizing them yourself with your designs. You can check out the website of  A Loving Tribute to see more of their funeral order of service templates range.
Funerals are an emotional day, and you may forget to provide the information or mourners may not note what was said, having it written down is a great way to ensure no one misses out.
2. Space Man

Source: thesun
Space travel intrigues all of us to some extent and certainly some more than others. The human race is getting closer and closer to space exploration becoming available to the masses, but some of us won’t be here long enough to see this become a reality.
However, this doesn’t mean anyone has to miss out on space travel. You can now book a space on Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket. There are 152 spaces specifically allocated to carry human ashes into orbit, and with 100 spaces already reserved, it has proven incredibly popular.
Ashes are placed inside a custom capsule to be launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket; the ashes will orbit Earth for roughly 24 months before returning as a ‘shooting star’ through the atmosphere.
Something as grand as this doesn’t come cheap, with slots starting at $2,490. However, a launch date has not yet been set, so you have time to save.
3. Vinyl Memories

Source: barecremation
Music evokes memories in all of us. It could be the first dance from your wedding day or an anthem that transports you back to your student days in a nightclub. Either way, we can all agree we have a song that reminds us of someone special.
You can keep that memory of song alive by having ashes pressed into vinyl with any song of your choosing. You could choose a song you both danced to, their favorite tune, or even a melody they would often sing.
This is also a great choice for those who have passed who had a passion for music. What can be a better way to remember them than to keep them with their obsession.
The addition of ash to vinyl gives a few extra pops and crackles to the sound quality due to the added components in the pressing process. This lovely added charm almost gives the feeling that those who have passed are singing along with the track.
4. Hourglass Ornaments

Source: miraclememorial
You may decide you don’t want to have ashes scattered at all and would like to keep your loved one with you. This doesn’t mean you have to opt for a traditional urn, which isn’t always one of the prettiest things to look at.
You can store ashes in any container you want as there are no set rules, this could be anything from a coffee tin for lovers of caffeine to glass boxes with ornate engraving.
One fabulous idea which is aesthetically pleasing and meaningful is creating an hourglass. You can buy kits online if you don’t want to do so yourself.
During World War II, serving men and women would use hourglasses to store the ashes of loved ones while they were serving overseas, not only was this more practical than a cumbersome urn, but it was also used to mark time shared with their deceased loved one.
5. Helium Heights

Source: thedrive
If the idea of space travel intrigues you, but that price tag doesn’t, this could be the next best thing.
Adding small amounts to ash to helium-filled balloons can help your loved one reach new heights, literally. Make sure if doing these yourself, you carefully judge how much ash to add and do not overfill as the weight can cause the balloons to sink.
This is a beautiful idea for children attending as it can turn a very somber occasion into something more fun and even magical. You can choose exact colors and patterns and release your loved one to the skies.
Do make sure you use biodegradable balloons as standard plastic ones can end up in water or within the homes or local wildlife. If you are doing a balloon release in a public space, check with your local council first as some areas have strict regulations.