Losing pounds and inches isn’t as easy as waving a magic wand. Many people work tirelessly through portion control and physical fitness only to see little results. Many times they turn to cosmetic procedures to help them lose the final inches. The good news is you don’t just have to turn to liposuction anymore. Because of technology, there are many alternatives with results.
What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a practice that’s been around for decades. It involves inserting a tube into a region of your body with excess fat. You’re put under general anesthesia. The surgeon then drains your fat. This lasts a few hours, and involves a few stitches. Many people report bruises, swelling and a little bit of pain. Some people are turning to other forms of cosmetic weight loss to avoid the risks of liposuction.
Non-Surgical Procedure vs. Liposuction
Many people choose non-surgical procedures over liposuction because they are non-invasive and have a faster healing rate. Liposuction does permanently reduce fat cells and refines the contours of the body. It provides dramatic results. The problem is that the recovery time can often be hard. Many people are also left with bruises and stitches. Nonsurgical procedures targets and eliminates fat cells without any invasion of the skin. The recovery time is quick. The results are usually seen in a few weeks.
UltraShape involves depleting fat cells in an area with waves of ultrasound energy. Many women have had an ultrasound when pregnant so they know what to expect. This is a body sculpting device that finds the fat cells through ultrasounds to target them for removal. It gives you a natural look. The best thing about UltraShape is that it is not invasive. You don’t even need anesthesia. This procedure is most commonly done on stomach fat.
Cryoskin Treatments
Cyroskin treatments work along the same lines as cryotheraphy. This is treatment of the body with extremely cold temperatures. It focuses on a non-invasive technology that reduces cellulite, improves toning and slimming. Cyroskin treatments use cryolipolysis. This medical treatment kills fat cells by freezing them with temperatures that range +5 to -5 ËšC. At these temperatures, the fat cells and tissues perish. Called the “Peltier effect,” Cryoskin is able to use precise temperature control. This means fat cells are killed without damaging the good tissue around them. This increases your oxygen supply aiding your body in the production of collagen. This means you have smooth skin and reduced wrinkles. The side effects are minimal leading many to find the treatments relaxing instead of painful. You won’t have a recovery time, and you can get it done in less than 30 minutes. For more information visit Shapspa.com.
CoolSculpting is all about reducing localized trouble spots. Instead of a large amount of fat cells, it kills a smaller, more targeted amount. It uses a specialized cryolipolysis device. This device freezes fat cells without harming the surrounding tissue. After these cells die, they are flushed from the body a few weeks after the procedure. You see results within three months. This is a procedure that involves you coming back into the office to perform the final flush of the fat.
SculpSure uses light-based technology to kill fat cells. Unlike CoolSculpting which freezes fat cells, SculpSure uses heat to destroy the fat cells and remove other fat deposits.ells It actually causes fat cells to rupture due to high heat. It’s best used in the stomach area. It uses a very high temperature to do its job so some people do experience a bit of soreness. Laser lipolysis only takes about 25 minutes.
SmartLipo is another procedure that uses laser lipolysis. It does use a cannula like liposuction in your skin. The difference is that a laser fiber is used to kill fat cells. It ruptures these cells through lasers.
Kybella, also called deoxycholic acid, is an enzyme that is injected. This enzyme dissolves fat mainly under the chin. It does take about six sessions to see results, but the good news is that these results last forever. Many people have started to use this new technology on their stomach, thighs and back.
SecretRF is more about cellulite and stretch mark reduction, but some people may need this instead of the reduction of fat cells. It uses deep radiofrequency heat and microneedling together. It helps to diminish scar marks up to 3.5 millimeters. Microneedling makes tiny holes in the skin which deliver the radio frequency heat. As these tiny wounds heal, the skin is fresh and soft. This improves the overall tone and texture of the skin. It takes about an hour for the procedure.
Zerona involves a low level of laser therapy mixed with cold laser energy. This energy is emitted into the body tissues that are surrounded by fat cells. These are broken down and absorbed into your body. When the fat is outside of its own cells it is naturally removed from the body. Zerona treatments are given with a device that directs cold laser energy at whatever problem area of your choice. This device doesn’t even touch your skin. Its gentle and easy. You can usually see the results within a few weeks. Zerona takes about 40 minutes to apply to the problem area.
truSculpt uses radio frequency technology. Radiofrequency energy helps tighten skin that might be sagging by contracting collagen fibers and multiplying them. This helps enhance the tone and texture of the skin. The procedure involves delivering heat to skin tissues. This helps reduce wrinkles and cellulite. It targets fat cells under the skin with the radio frequency energy. After these fat cells are destroyed, the lipid fluid that is left will be absorbed in the body.
What’s Best For You?
Also you can learn more about it on websites that speak about specific treatments, weight loss programs.