When you think about private investigators, the first thing that probably comes to your mind is an interesting, quirky character in a TV series or movie. Of course, in most situations and cases, the real-life investigators are nothing like the ones we see on television. People who suffered injustice, financial repercussions, or if people want to gather some much-needed evidence – a PI can help them with that.
Now, it is possible that you already know about what they can and cannot do, however, if not, this article might be able to help you. In the text below, you will be able to learn what can private investigators help you with, as well as what they are allowed to do. Let’s take a closer look:
The Services That Most PI’s Can Offer You

Source: issinvestigation
Of course, there are various services that they offer, but, the most common ones include:
1. They Can Collect Evidence
Each divorce case is different and most of them are incredibly messy and tiring – especially if one of the spouses was unfaithful. Private investigators can gather and review any information that is important for uncovering the unfaithfulness and confirm adultery. Which will in return, speed up the divorce process, drastically affect the alimony and how the property is divided, as well as prove that one of the spouses is unfit to have custody over the child or children.
The PI will collect data – including pictures and videos – lawfully, and they can even gain useful information for social media profiles, and other networks that one of the spouses use. Hiring a PI service can help you win a divorce case and, more importantly, gain custody of your child or children.
2. They Can Perform Background Checks
As previously mentioned, a private investigator’s work mostly consists of gathering information – and this is why they also perform background checks. For example, if you are looking to hire someone, the information can help you with examining the person’s background, including their criminal history, credit score, address, social relations, and, of course, their work history.
Although background checks are usually required by a business owner, other people can use these services as well. For example, a landlord might want to have more information about their tenants before they decide to rent them an apartment. Hence, a background check can ease your concern about the safety of you and other people around you.

Source: savoyinvestigations
3. They Can Locate People
There might be various reasons why you would want to track down someone. For example, you might want to find a long-lost relative or friend, or perhaps you are looking for someone that can be your witness in a divorce case – especially since some people might not want to appear during the court hearings.
According to Bill Robison Investigative Service, a PI can help you with finding people including finding their previous addresses and performing background checks to determine what their current residence and telephone number are. There is a wide range of legal strategies and methods that they use in order to gain information about someone and locating them.
4. They Can Check For Hidden Property
Whether you want to check if there is any hidden property in a divorce case or if you simply want to learn what you are entitled to, a PI can efficiently locate and find those hidden assets. They will research and review property records, which means that they can find what a specific person once owned and who currently owns the property.
If you, for example, suspect that there are assets or properties in foreign countries, a PI can find it for you, including the records and bank accounts. To make things even better, they can also find artwork, priceless collectible items, vehicles, and of course, real estate besides other things.

Source: allprivateinvestigations
5. They Can Help With Claims Investigations
If you need to uncover information and truth in various insurance investigations, hiring a PI might be the best option for you. Now, this involves life insurance claims, workers compensations, as well as home and vehicle claims investigations. If you suspect that there is something wrong with an insurance claim, a PI might just be able to help you discover the truth. They can also help with business fraud situations since PIs have a way to uncover any illegal practices and unethical behavior.
6. They Can Help Lawyers With Their Cases
You might not know this, but, attorneys and private investigators go hand-in-hand. A lawyer might want to discover more information about a specific person, property, or vehicle, or they might want the PI to gather evidence that they can show in court. This can include almost anything, from pictures to videos to vehicles and official documents. By having this information a lawyer can make a proper conclusion – especially one that will work in their favor.
7. They Can Help With Investigating Social Media Accounts And Online Behavior
Just like everything else, PIs cannot deny that social media platforms are incredibly powerful. Today, everyone uses social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (to name a few), and law enforcement, as well as private detectives, can use it to gather evidence about someone but they can also use it to catch criminals.
The things they post online can be used for tracking the location of someone, analyzing their criminal and illegal behavior, as well as prove if someone’s alibi is true. Social media platforms are incredibly helpful when investigating a wide range of things. It will help you gather, include, and collaborate with other information that can lead to the investigation being concluded.

Source: acesprivateinvestigations
As you can see, there is a wide range of things a PI can help you with – from gathering evidence to tracking down someone, they can do it all. Hence, if you have determined that you need the help of a PI and now that you know what they can provide you with, do not waste any more time and start searching for a private investigator, such ad Privin, that will help you with finding out what you need.