What is a better pet to have – a dog or a cat? That’s the debate people have been having for centuries, but we think that there is no reason for giving a clear answer. Both are wonderful beings, and so are other animals, and it is only up to you to choose what fits your lifestyle better. Cats, unlike dogs, don’t need daily walks and are much more aloof. They will not wag their tails or jump all over the place once they see you, but nevertheless, they love you and are really thankful for everything you give them. Cats simply have a different way of expressing emotions, and that is to respect.
Though not in need of daily walks, your cat is surely playful and loves jumping all over the place when she feels like it. After all, that’s what they were made to for – be explosive, and flexible to go from one to the other point in less than a second. Yet, exactly because they are so explorative, it is not a rare thing when they suffer an injury from a bad jump or fall. This is where your vet steps in to see what type of treatment should be applied, and when it comes not only to these but other medical conditions as well, an x-ray is there to save the day. But, what exactly is a cat x-ray and how does it help?

Source: healthline
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What Is An X-Ray?
X-ray is a medical device made to take photos of cat’s bones or other sections and thus help in diagnosing external or internal problems. Is there a broken bone, does your cat suffer from gas or has she maybe swallowed some string? X-ray is there to answer those questions. This tool takes images using electromagnetic rays, that are made to pass through anything except metal, and are not visible to human eyes. This type of scans is usually done at the vet’s office where the device is available.
What Is The Cost And Is It Really Worth It
As x-rays are primarily made for people, you at least know someone that went through X-ray scans and paid a lot of money. And it is true, x-ray scans are not that cheap, but it is health’s matter, so everything is worth it. On the other hand, some say x-rays are not healthy, and while it can be true that frequent x-ray scans may cause some health issues, when you have left no choice x-ray scans are the best option to give you the answer. When it comes to cat x-ray procedure, the cost depends on factors like location, type of scans, size of the cat, an area that needs to be scanned as well as if sedation is needed.
X-ray scans can help you and your cat in numerous ways, and as technology is on the rise newer digital ones provide you with an even more detailed image so no problem can go unnoticed. These type of scans can detect broken bones, dental problems, gastric problems, asthma, heart disease, and even pregnancy.

Source: PetFocus Veterinary Group
What Are The Most Common Cat X-Ray Scans?
Though scans can be basically done on any part of the cat’s body, the most common ones are chest, dental, abdominal and bone fracture ones. When it comes to chest x-ray scans, these are mostly done when detecting problems like airway disease, broken ribs, asthma, infections, tumors or lung issues. Dental x-rays are used to diagnose possible problems that your cat can have with teeth and gums, as well as other parts that are affected in cat’s mouth. Abdominal x-rays being one of the most common scans are there to provide images of the possibly disrupted digestive system, liver or kidney problems. In the end, whenever there is a doubt that a bone is broken, bone fracture x-rays are done to give an answer. Common symptoms of broken bones, as it might not be visible to the eye at first, are crying, not eating, using the affected limb or swelling. If any of these seem to appear to your cat, take her to a vet and clear any assumptions.
As of cat sedating, it adds to the cost of the x-ray test but is sometimes mandatory especially if your cat is not calm or the type of injury is grave. It is done through a light gas mask and poses no threat to the health of your cat.

Source: PetFocus
You can see that cat x-ray tool is one of the most important out there when it comes to detecting health problems that your fur baby might have, and be sure to use the convenience of it as soon as you notice a problem that doesn’t go after a day or two. In the end, you are the world to that fluffy ball, and she completely depends on your treatment!