The professional certification is an addition to the compulsory driving license for all professional drivers with a driving license of groups C and D. It must be obtained in addition to the driving license and its holder must, to prolong it, follow continuous training every five years. The professional certification is mentioned on the driving license by code 95 with regard to the categories for which it is valid. Some drivers do not need professional certification for their transportation activities.
Obtaining professional certification
Professional certification can be obtained:
- Or at the same time as the driving license, via the combined examination;
- Or after the driving license, via the initial qualification examination.
The driver who already has the professional certification for group C or D and who wishes to obtain it for group D or C can also obtain it via the initial qualifying examination. Training for the initial qualifying examination can be done by you outside of a driving school.
Limited validity
When CPC training is done then professional certification has a validity of 5 years. This validity period may be identical to that of the Group 2 medical selection, but this is not necessarily the case. The person who wishes to obtain the extension of his professional certification must follow courses of continuous training in the form of modules for a total duration of 35 hours in an approved center. The certificate of professional competence is extended for 5 years.
Acquired rights
Individuals who held a D, D1, D + E, D1 + E license issued before September 10, 2008, are exempt from this test for these categories. , C1 + E issued before September 10, 2009, are exempt from this test for these categories. These people must complete their first continuous training before September 10, 2015.
Individuals who held a C, C1, C + E, C1 + E license issued before September 10, 2009, are exempt from this test for these categories. These persons must take their first continuous training before September 10, 2016.
Exemptions from professional competence
Professional fitness does not apply to drivers of:
- Vehicles whose maximum authorized speed does not exceed 45 km / h;
- Vehicles assigned to the services of the armed forces, civil protection, firefighters and forces responsible for the maintenance of public order or under the control of those forces;
- Vehicles undergoing road tests for technical improvement, repair, maintenance, and new or processed vehicles not yet put into circulation;
- Vehicles used in states of necessity or assigned to rescue missions;
- Vehicles used for the non-commercial transport of goods or passengers for private purposes;
- Vehicles or combinations of vehicles used for the transport of equipment, machinery or equipment intended for the driver in the exercise of his trade and provided that the driving of the vehicle is not the main activity of the driver.
Continuing Education
Continuing training may be followed in the State where the driver works or where he resides. The driver must complete 35 hours of continuing education courses, provided by approved continuing training centers.