The prostate is located at the base of your penis and bladder. Although this might be one of the small glands in your body, it is assigned to do a mighty job – produce seminal fluid to carry sperm.
When your prostate gland is not healthy, you will find that you are always out of energy. The most common prostate-related problem is called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
On the other hand, the most deadly is prostate cancer, which kills almost 34,000 Americans every year.
Because the Prostate sits at the bottom of your bladder, if it gets too large, it can create problems with your ability to urinate.
Although BPH and prostate cancer differ on the severity scale, their symptoms can be common. The symptoms include –
- Dribbling.
- Failure to empty urine.
- Urinary incontinence.
What Is A Prostate?
The prostate is a small organ situated under the bladder. It is roughly the size of a walnut or a ping pong ball and weighs around one ounce.
It is one of the most important organs of the body that can be felt by placing a finger in the rectum and pressing toward the front of the body.
The prostate gland is connected with the urethra. The urethra is a common tube that helps in carrying urine and semen. As the prostate surrounds this tube, prostate problems can affect Urination function.
In addition, the prostate is one of the four parts of male reproductive anatomy. The other parts include Penis, Scrotum, and testes.

Symptoms Of Prostate Problems
The prostate gland is located at a place where it is actually hard to notice any abnormalities. In fact, you will never have any clear symptoms in the initial stage of prostate cancer.
Although the symptoms are hard to catch, there are some common warning signs that could raise a red flag, indicating the person might have Prostate cancer.
The most common symptoms include:
- Burning sensation while urinating.
- Trouble with starting urination.
- Erectile dysfunction.
- Blood in urine or semen.
- Frequent urination during nighttime.
How To Keep Your Prostate Healthy?
For males, if there is a high risk of any health problem, it will be prostate health. Research shows that 1 out of 8 men will have prostate problems in their lifetime.
In fact, prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of the disease for American men. While there are treatment options available, why not try to keep it healthy so that you don’t need any treatment.
Here are a few tips that will help you maintain a healthy prostate.

1. Eating A Fresh And Balance Diet
Fresh fruits and vegetables are full of phytonutrients and rich in antioxidant properties, which help to keep all your body cells healthy. The best way to improve your diet is by switching to a Mediterranean-based diet.
Here are some of the delicious food you can enjoy –
- Olive and avocados.
- Bean and legumes.
- Fruits and vegetables.
- Poultry and eggs.
- Fatty fish.
- Limited amount of red meat.
2. Cut Down On Your Alcohol Consumption
While alcohol offers its help to soothe down your pain, it is also one of the reasons behind internal inflammation. Therefore, if you want to keep your prostate healthy, you would want to cut down on your alcohol consumption.
Even if you cannot stop drinking alcohol, reduce it as much as possible. The less you consume, the better your prostate health.

3. Keep Your Body Active
To keep your prostate, you need to indulge yourself in daily exercise. Exercising boosts your blood flow which helps your body transport the right nutrients to every part of your body.
While exercising, ensure that you are doing it to the point that you are sweating hard. Then, with more exercise and a better diet, you reduce the chances of any BPH or Prostate cancer.
4. Restore Your Hormones
As men age, their testosterone level decreases. This makes the prostate gland dry. However, if you can eat healthily and indulge yourself in daily exercise, your testosterone level will be maintained.
High testosterone levels ensure that the prostate remains healthy. In addition to keeping your prostate healthy, testosterone hormones also help you maintain muscle density and volume.

5. Prostate Health Supplements
Although it’s important to consult a healthcare professions before adding any supplements to your diet, numerous prostate health supplements have been developed over the years to aid in maintaining prostate health.
One recommended option to ask your doctor about that is backed by a wealth of science and has been around for more than half a decade is Prost-P10x by
6. Frequent Ejaculation
Whether you are doing it during intercourse or masturbation, several studies show that frequent ejaculation can positively affect your prostate health.
In a study, it has been that people over the age of 40 are 32% less likely to develop any prostate cancer if they ejaculate 21 times or more every month.
Although more research is required to support this claim, this statistic certainly shows that a happy sexual life can ensure a healthy prostate.

7. Get Enough Vitamin D
As men get older, their body expense a deficiency in Vitamin D. some researches have been conducted, and experts have linked the deficiency of Vitamin D to a higher rate of BHP.
Though, scientists are still conducting studies to get more accurate proof. Either way, there is no harm in having Vitamin D in your diet.
Keep Your Prostate Healthy
As with any disease, prevention is better than treatment. The same thing can be said for your prostate health.
If you are at this point in this article, you are now aware of how common prostate health issues are. Thus, it is important to keep a proactive approach to your prostate health.
Following the tips we have mentioned above will help you prevent prostate disease, enabling you to live comfortably.
With that being said, you must be aware of the symptoms we have talked about. If you start to get uncomfortable or experience discomfort in your groin area, seek immediate medical help!