Graphics design is currently one of the fastest rising professions that you can learn from your home, and it is definitely well-paid and appreciated in today’s modern society. If you are interested in becoming a graphics designer, there are a few things that you need to know, and that’s exactly what we’re here to teach you today. Feel free to read until the end if you want to learn more.
Why should I become a graphics designer?
If you want to make amazing posters, thumbnails, edit photos and design world-famous logos, all while being paid really well and working from the safety and comfort of your own home, then this job is definitely for you. However, before you start enjoying the beauty of this profession, you have to spend some time learning the basics. Let’s take a look at some of the most useful computer programs that can be used in order to make your first couple designs.
Adobe Photoshop

Source: fileinfo
It is currently well-known that Adobe Photoshop is an industry-standard and a world-leading software for graphic designers. If you really want to be a successful designer, this is one of the most powerful tools that you have to master before going professional. There are tons of tutorials online, you can learn it by yourself, or you can have someone teach you. All of the options are viable, and you can choose the one that seems most appealing to you. Feel free to visit if you are looking for more insight on this topic.

Source: addictivetips
GIMP is a very popular image-editing tool that has all of the functions that you need both for beginner-level editing and professional work. It has a slightly less user-friendly interface compared to some of the other programs, but you can learn how to navigate through it really fast if you just dedicate some time to it. With GIMP, you can do anything that you want with an image.
Adobe Illustrator

Source: youtube
If you want to try working with vector art in order to create sketches, logos and tons of other useful things for your portfolio, then Adobe Illustrator is the right software for you. It is very easy to learn, and the interface is also pretty friendly, just like every other Adobe application.

Source: youtube
This is another professional tool that you can learn if you trully want to become an exceptional graphics designer. When it comes to Inkscape, everything in the application itself is pretty self-explanatory and with well-designed icons, and you can also change and customize the layout in order to get a smoother experience for your needs. The software is appreciated amongst designers that use the SVG file format.
Adobe Indesign

Source: theblog.adobe
Adobe is the master at creativity, and they never fail to disappoint with some of the tools that they put out on the market. Indesign is just another amazing software that can be used in order to create very clean layouts for magazines, brochures, and any types of printed books. It might not be as popular as Photoshop, but you find tons of tutorials and online courses for it on the internet.