Fitness Freaks often ask themselves a question, ‘What weight of dumbbells should I use?” The decision requires precision for you need to consider various factors. In this article, we have discussed the factors, types of dumbbells and how you ought to transition between weights.
Dumbbells are an integral part of workouts. Free weights, they come in many sizes. While the fixed weight dumbbells still persist, weight adjustable dumbbells come in handier. They are cheaper, occupy less space and, hence, are more convenient. Dumbbells are often used for muscular growth on the upper body and for exercises concerned with joints. Moreover, they come in handy during recuperation.
Using Dumbbells
The weight you use for Dumbbells depends on numerous factors, including strength, experience, and your fitness goals. Someone intending to build mass on their muscles would have a different course of action to someone just starting out with workouts. Let’s discuss some scenarios and what should be done.

Beginners out there should restrain themselves to lighter ones so to avoid strain or injury. If you do have a fitness program, stick to it. There is no need to rush things for it is hazardous to your health. Beginners should start with 2-3 lbs with 9-10 repetitions in each of 2-3 sets. If you feel that the dumbbell is light, increase repetitions in each set. If that doesn’t contend you, add to the number of sets. I must warn you though, you may not feel the toll on your body on that instance, but you are bound to feel it later. Go carefully! Increase the weight on dumbbells as you go along. For example, if you were doing 3 lbs in week 1, do 4 lbs in the third week. If you do still feel that the dumbbell is light and you are not one of those sturdy guys, you must be doing something wrong.
For those intending to add onto power and endurance, they should start with 8 to 10 lbs with 10-12 repetitions. While females should strictly stick to that number, males can stretch it to 12-16 lbs. When do you increase the weight? There are numerous strategies for it. The easiest and simplest strategy is to raise weight when you are able to repeat 18 to 20 times. Don’t drag on just because it seems convenient for the time being because it would hinder further progress. Keep incrementing the weight until you reach 20 lbs. Then, you need to decide on the future prospects keeping in view your form, stamina, and endurance.
Those, who intend to tone their muscles but not add bulk to it should restrain themselves to 10-12 lbs with 10 to 12 repetitions in each of 2-3 sets. This according to a study ensures that weight provides enough resistance to engage the muscles without tearing away the muscle fibers.

A patient undergoing rehab would have an already planned workout schedule. For the basics though, such patients should restrict themselves to really light workouts which should be performed under the supervision of a trained medic.
One thing for sure, all workouts need incrementing weights. How do you do that? Well, there are fixed weight dumbbells, and then there are Adjustable Dumbbells. As the name suggests, fixed weight dumbbells carry a fixed mass. Although inexpensive in the short term, they aren’t much efficient across longer periods. For example, you got 2 lbs Dumbbells. After a week at the workout, you believe that it is the time to move on. You would, hence, need to buy another set of dumbbells. Basically, in the long run, fixed weight dumbbells may cause overstacking as well as loss of cash.
Another approach may be to buy Weight Adjustable Dumbbells. As the name suggests, you can vary the mass across the dumbbells by sliding weight plates across the metal bar and securing it with clips or collars. This is a neat way, isn’t it? Just get the plates across the bar, and you are good to go. Weight Adjustable Dumbbells are a suitable way for the workout mentioned above and generally the way forward. We would suggest you go for them for they would save you a lot of trouble.
Selectorized Dumbbells constitute an important market too. They are, basically, adjustable dumbbells whose weights can be conveniently changed on the dumbbell stand. How is this achieved? Well, it is done by adjusting the number of plates by moving a pin or turning a dial. If there is something more convenient than the Adjustable Dumbbells, it is the Selectorized Dumbbells. Plus, Selectorized Dumbbells are cheaper in the long run. What may cost you close to 2000 bucks can be attained in half that amount. If you are another comfort loving guy, these are for you.
Which Dumbbells brand should you look for?
The top 2 brands out there for Dumbbells at the moment are Powerblock and Bowflex Dumbbells. Each of these is unique in its own terms. Both of these are SelectorizedDumbbells, hence convenience is guaranteed. So what is the difference between Bowflex and Powerblock Dumbbells?
Bowflex is the front runners as far as Selectorized Dumbbells are concerned. Most of their Dumbbells are beautifully engineered for user convenience, safety, and durability. Durability, for once, may not be a factor given that Bowflex offers up to 2 years warranty on its Dumbbells.
Powerblockis all about Durability. The company is so confident of their design that they offer up to 10 years warranty on their elite series. Matching Bowflex’s convenience, they offer a better price range making them highly desirable.
All in all, both of these brands offer high tech solutions to work out problems at a very fair price. While nothing separates them quality wise, users can choose theirs by their requirements. Anything above 70 lbs and we would go with Powerblock. Anything lesser and Bowflex is a better option! Cap Barbell is one alternative to the two. A renowned brand, Cap Barbell, has all kinds of dumbbells to its name. While it mostly deals in fixed Dumbbells, it has a few weight adjustable dumbbells to its name. The adjustable weight dumbbells come alongside weight plates that can be secured with collars. While there are better brands as far as Weight Adjustable dumbbells are concerned, don’t look any further if you intend to buy fixed-weight dumbbells. Cap Barbell Dumbbells are relatively inexpensive too and hence one of the best alternatives to Powerblock and Bowflex Dumbbells.
Source: strongains.comCap Barbell’s competitor, Yes4All, provides another alternative with its set of Dumbbells. The dumbbells are inexpensive yet high on endurance and quality. You may go for them too. Although, if you are an Amazon guy, just tune into Amazon for Dumbbells offered by AmazonBasics. Look up for reviews and compare the properties with your requirements. They have a really innovative, qualitative stock out there. Plus, you don’t need to fret over delivery woes. Anyway, we would still suggest either Powerblock or Bowflex unless you are really low on budget.