Crowd management is about creating an environment where attendees, acts, staff and volunteers, feel safe so they can enjoy the event, whether it be a concert, rally or sporting event. This means having organized queues, adequate space to move around and organized areas for getting refreshments and relaxing or to receive medical assistance.
Managing a crowd of people, even if it’s relatively small is not an easy task. A calm environment can suddenly and unexpectedly change and you have to be prepared to deal with it swiftly and in an organized way. There are different systems which you can employ in crowd management, but to ensure the event goes ahead with little or no drama. Here are some things you need to know first:
Pre-Planning Is Essential
The purpose of a pre-planning meeting is to gather information on the venue (size, location, etc.), to understand how many people are expected to attend and to also discuss any areas of concerns, such as instances that have occurred at similar events. This information can be used to prepare a crowd management plan which details things such as how you’ll respond to accidents and emergencies.

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It Takes a Team to Manage a Crowd
Ensuring the safety of a crowd of people is a group effort. In the initial instance, you should speak to the venue’s management team to see what resources they have available. If extra personnel is needed, you should seek to engage with a security personnel firm who has experience in managing the type of event your hosting. They’ll be able to advise you on how many security personnel is required and direct you on where they should be placed before, during and after the event.
Other Organisations May Have to Be Included
Most events can go ahead under the control of the crowd management team, but there are some types of events where you’ll need to coordinate with the police, ambulance, and even the local authority. For instance, if you’re hosting a concert where thousands of people are expected to attend, traffic control measurements may need to put in place so that people can safely get from transport hubs to the venue.
If you’re unsure whether you need to coordinate with the emergency services, it’s advisable to contact your local police station or local authority to get their guidance.

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Communication Is Key
Clear communication is a key part of crowd management, as it’s vital that team members are constantly kept up to date on what is happening in other areas of the venue so they can plan their next moves. There are numerous systems you can use, but one of the best and most efficient is the two-way radio. These types of radios are lightweight, so they aren’t bulky to carry around, and most can cover a large distance, which is ideal for events like festivals and rallies which tend to be spread out.
If you’re organizing an event or if you’re responsible for crowd management, the safety of everyone who attends or who is working there falls to you. It’s hoped that the information detailed in this article will help to create a secure environment so everybody can enjoy the day without concerns for their safety and well-being.