According to the study carried out at the University of Texas Healthy Centre (Houston), coffee has similar properties that drugs like Viagra have. It’s packed with Caffeine and Nitric Oxide.
According to Cuppabean, caffeine has the power to stimulate some pharmacological effects to the genital parts – the key sex areas. It makes the genital parts’ arteries to relax and then allow free and uninterrupted blood flow.
On the other hand, nitric Oxide offers a crucial function before sex. It smoothens the arterial lining and keeps it slippery. In that way, platelets and white blood cells won’t patch in the lining. Patching causes artery-blocking and damaging inflammation – conditions that prevent blood from flowing to the genital parts. Moreover, it also keeps the smooth muscle cells of the arteries hence preventing spasm and keeps the arteries open for smooth blood flow.

The research also suggested that men (over 20 years) who drink two to three cups in a day are less prone to erectile dysfunction (ED).
A report published on PLOS ONE journal showed that men who consumed around 85-170 milligrams of caffeine were 42% less prone to Erectile Dysfunction. Those who ingested between 171-303 milligrams were 39% less prone to ED.
From the research, it’s clear that men and women guzzle two-three cups of coffee daily and before sex thrills your partner when it comes to performance in bed.
7 Best types of coffee before bed
Espresso is the best type that brings you and your partner in the right moods that will raise goosebumps during sex. Reasons why Espresso is the best?
1. Increase women libido
Studies have found that Espresso makes women hornier. It puts them in those moods they yearn for sex. Here is how. It creates an uninterrupted flow of blood to her genitals. Therefore, science is not left behind to support the belief that women who consume coffee often increase their sex drive.
Important to know, Libido is the first and significant step to a healthy sex life. Admittedly, no one likes a sluggish, vaguely-aroused partner- no one.
2. Reduces Erection Dysfunction in men
Nothing bores like a man who takes a woman to the bed and can’t satisfy him. That can lead to break up or cheating. Now, here is a coffee that can increase blood flow to key sex areas.
Researchers have found that people who guzzle a cup of Espresso before bed are less likely to this condition.
You may be saying soft drinks and other fizzy drinks have caffeine too. Yes, they have. But that caffeine won’t count since those drinks are packed with thousands if not millions of chemicals- sugar included. Espresso has natural caffeine that will kick your butt during sex.
3. Better Athletes
If you accept to have sex, you are an athlete. Let me explain.
Just like any athletic game, sex requires endurance. You will need stamina, strength, and flexibility for you to perform excellently- really weird sex. So you have the idea that we are athletes in sex life.
Many people that exercise daily, such as the guys at Your Coffee & Tea, and they love to have a cup of coffee before their workout, especially when they are planning to do an endurance type of exercise, such as cycling or distance running. And Remember sex needs endurance!
4. The sweet smell
Nothing drives a person to the right moods when you are relaxing in that nice coach than that sweet espresso aroma. Before a sweet, sweet love, a moment in bed, the espresso will trigger your feelings.
5. Reduces stress
Stress has been linked to reduced sex performance. Truly, stressed people can bore you.
The delicious coffee aroma reduces stress.
6. Makes you happy
Can you imagine having sex with a sad person? How does it look like? Awful.
Studies have shown that coffee drinkers are happier compared to non-drinkers. In contrast, sodas and other sweetened drinks act like depressants due to the added crap.
Coffee stimulates your happy glands. That’s why sex with a happy person is superior.
7. Boosts brain performance
Intelligent people are superb lovers. We all agree that dullards are boring.
Science has proven coffee to a health brain enhancer. Espresso gives your mind a wake-up jolt and turns on your brain.
Bottom line
Espresso is a healthy drink that will not only boost your sex life but also offers you with many health benefits. Pick up a cup of espresso today before having sex, and you will appreciate the fact that it is a great drink.