There are more than one ways to apply for a green card to the US, contrary to people’s views. But, each way involves three areas that must pass with flying colors if you want to become a citizen of the United States. Those are the way you qualify, filling out the forms, and passing the interview.
However, before you can even start filling up the green card you must qualify for one, and there are a total of eleven ways you can qualify for a green card.
The green card is formally known as the Diversity Immigrant Visa nowadays, and one way to obtain one is to win it through the Green Card Lottery. Each year, 50,000 people are being issued a green card through the lottery, and you can be one if you act quickly.
How to become eligible for a green card?
As we mentioned, there are more than one ways, and less than eleven ways to qualify for a green card. Each method works, but each one has requirements that you must fulfill. Here, we will see some of the methods, and how you can use professional help to get you over the line.

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Family-based immigration
Family-Based immigration can be broken down into two categories
- Relative of U.S. citizen: if your wife, husband, unmarried child or step-child, adopted a child under the age of 18, parent or step-parent, brother, sister, married son or daughter, are citizens of the U.S.
- Relatives of Green Card Holders: If your wife, husband, child, stepchild, adopted a child, unmarried son or daughter, are winners of a green card.
So, these are the most popular ways you can legally obtain a green card, but how can professionals help you win one by helping you with your green card application?
Since we mentioned that each application requires three areas to pass, by hiring a professional, they can help you with those three areas.
Services in the United States understand the American Dream is well and alive for a majority of people in the world, so they specialize in helping them pass the application so that they can be granted a green card.
- A professional service can help you with the qualifying method. They will help you find the post possible way you can qualify for the green card without you being rejected.
- A professional service can prepare you the best way possible for the application form. They understand how the process goes and are more than willing to help others fill it up so that they are not overlooked by the authorities.
- Professional help can train you for the interview. The last and final step before you are being granted a green card is to pass the interview with flying colors. These services can train you and prepare you for your interview, brief you of all the questions, the types of questions, and how to act and answer so you don’t look suspicious.
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A green card is the type of document that will allow someone, a family, fulfill their American Dream. A lot of people fail to impress on their application and ultimately they are rejected. Hire a professional service to help you get over the line, sure they cost a pretty penny but they are the difference makers.