It’s truly a miracle
Childbirth can be the most exhilarating, yet anxiety-filled, thing in a woman’s life. Many reservations come along with preparing to deliver your child into this world. Swirling in your mind may be questions like: Will this hurt? How many pain meds will I be able to have? Did that just rip?!
Take all the questions you think of then double them. Krista Schwab was diagnosed with uterus didelphys at age 12, which means she also has a pair of reproductive organs (AKA… She has two private parts).
Her disorder has caused her to miscarry more than once. Nevertheless, last December, Schwab and her husband took a home pregnancy test because she had put on a little extra weight. The results were miraculous and previously thought to be impossible.
An Extraordinary Conception Story

Source: Mirror
Krista was born with two vaginas, two cervixes and even two wombs. Her doctors explained the grim prognosis that Schwab would probably never conceive or give birth to her own child.
Unexpected Surprise
After putting on some weight last December, she decided to take a home pregnancy test, expecting the results to reflect her infertility issues. However, what she got was a miraculous surprise that would prove her doctors wrong.
Expecting the Unexpected

Source: Sun
Though she has two wombs, her left one doesn’t ovulate, but that is where her baby is growing. While their dreams may seem a bit like science fiction, the expectant couple is simply thrilled that they will finally have their own bouncing bundle of joy.
They had given up all hope. Krista, now 33, says, “For so many years my husband and I cried, prayed and dreamed of having a child. We both had so many breakdowns because we wanted one so much.”
Now what?
Even though the couple suffered more than one miscarriage prior to this, the mommy -to-be is throwing any caution to the wind. She hopes to deliver her baby naturally, using a water birth technique; although, doctors have advised that she should probably have a c-section.
Feeling Normal

Source: Storytrender
Her condition not only had an effect on fertility but on her ability to get it on. She claims that sometimes sex can be extremely painful, putting a damper on her self confidence.
Despite her unusual condition, Krista has never felt different, claiming that it wasn’t until she turned 30 that she learned she actually had two vaginas. She says, “I always felt the separate sections during intercourse and smear tests, but I just thought that feeling was a normal thing every woman had.”
Waiting For Baby
Schwab is hoping that her miracle birth will give hope to other women with this rare condition. Despite the modern predictions of science, miracles can happen. SHARE this story.
Original by Leah Oby