Women have successfully stepped into varied fields and have shown their excellence in it. Times are gone when there were activities, and money-making jobs considered a best-fit only for men. The latest update has come into the light is that over the last decade, the number of women traders have elevated, and for good! Women are successfully utilizing trading platforms and earning big by trading wisely. Trending trading apps have been mainly used, and a significant number of downloads are by women traders.
Reasons why women are excelling at trading: The 2024 trend update
Forex trading has seen a positive effect. In 2024, the market is going to witness an increase in the number of women traders on trading platforms. One popular place for women to trade on is eToro.
Why should only men be trading and earning money? Women can do it too! Women are considered to be better traders than men, in most cases. This is not just theory; there have been various reasons identified as to why women are being termed as better at trading than men. Here’s why:
- A woman is patient and, thus, takes her time to understand the market from scratch. This helps her gain better knowledge before setting foot into the market.
- She has a better-calculated approach. Therefore, her risk management skills are more enhanced.
- Next, women can deal with losses too. Firstly, because they don’t over-trade much and play well with the small tools that they understand fully. Also, their ego isn’t that much either! Thus, if it comes to losses, they will be better at handling it.
- Women are very particular and have calculated minds. Therefore, when they earn profits, they spend it wisely too.
All these traits make women ideal traders in the forex market of 2024. The year surely has an exciting wave coming up!
Women traders seem to have a long term vision
The difference in the way men and women trade is quite evident. As per the observations made, women traders might be losing money in the short-term during the price falls but tend to earn better in the long term.
Women are vigilant and notice the nuances in the markets more quickly than men and, thus, take advantage of it too. They are patient and, therefore, wait for a long time to make trades with men at a way higher price.
Statistics and facts are better judges
Women are delving into the world of forex trading smoothly and efficiently. Here are a few numbers to make you understand the world of trading better concerning women:
Women claim that they favor forex trading over any other trading type
Women are more inclined towards day trading as well as CFD trading. Which is described at Investopedia. Also, they are slowly venturing into the online trading modes and are taking a similar approach as men, that is, forex trading.
42% of women traders claim that they are experienced
Over the years, there has been a significant rise in the number of experienced women traders. Even though the percentage of women traders who claim themselves to be beginners is more than that of men in the same category, 42 is an excellent figure if one understands that women started relatively much later than men in this field.
Women have delivered better results
Women don’t prefer taking many risks when compared with their men counterparts. However, over the long-term, women are delivering results better than men. This is because men get impatient and sell off their assets quite quickly. On the other hand, women don’t mind taking a back seat and waiting for the right time.
Popular apps to get women started with trading
There is a wide range of apps available in the market for trading. However, there are a few that stand out as better apps for trading when it comes to women beginners in the field. Here are a few popular choices:
TD Ameritrade Mobile
This application is excellent for women traders who are just beginning as the user interface as well as the utility of the app is excellent. Also, making use of different trading features is simple.
Women traders extensively use stash as it offers learning opportunities. This is an excellent app if someone wishes to get familiar with trading.
The application offers multiple functionalities and various diagrams, graphs, etc. to understand trading better. Therefore, monitoring the trades becomes simpler.
One of the world’s most widely used trading apps online. It has excellent features on its app as well that can help you trade in stocks, commodities, currencies as well as for cryptocurrencies. The trading app has been active for over a decade and is still going strong.
The year 2024 has indeed started on a good note as it is a positive change to witness women excelling in the world of trading as well. If you are a woman who is interested in trading and have just started, you can make use of these apps. The year 2024 will see many changes in the stock market, and it is wise to keep up with the current trading apps out there.