The self-shot venison dinner, the cowboy boots for the bridesmaids, the wearing of her mom’s wedding dress, the fishing honeymoon—yes, we have been thoroughly obsessed with Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton’s sweet downhome wedding. But now a new detail has reeled me in even further. Apparently, Miranda and Blake were adamant about their dogs—chihuahua Cher, chihuahua-pug Delta, and terrier Delilah—being a big part of their nuptials. The three pups walked down the aisle with one of Miranda’s boot-clad bridesmaids. The doggies even got their own rhinestoned bandanas and collars for the occasion. “They were rock stars! Total rock stars, ” says Miranda’s publicist/wedding planner. “They were tiny little representatives, but they got a lot of laughs and attention. They were right in the big middle of everything … [Miranda] wanted a place where everybody would be comfortable, would have a great time, just feel at home and her dogs could be a part of it.”

Source: Pinterest
This has me wondering—would you have your pets be a big part of your wedding? Now, I have a cat who (how do I put this delicately?) is not the best behaved. She has a bad habit of hissing at people and she loves to jump on my shoulder and dig her claws in to stay there—I’m used to it normally but with a wedding dress, nuh-uh. Let’s just say that when I get married, she will be staying at home. However, if I had a dog who was well-trained, I might entertain the idea of having them at my wedding . Though I would skip the part of dressing them up in a tuxedo costume and using them as a ring-bearer. We remember what happened in the “Brady Bunch” wedding episode, don’t we?
But I’m more curious what you think of pet participation in weddings. Sound off in the comments section on whether you think this is cute or cheesmo.
[People]Original by Kate Torgovnick/