While we all try our best to stay in touch with our vaginas, there are still some things we don’‘t know. It’s not our fault—there are no Vagina Olympics on TV touting its awesome powers. But luckily there is a blog, this blog, that isn’t afraid to truly show us ladies what we’re working with! That’s why we put together the most jaw-dropping tidbits about your lady bits.
So, prepare to be shocked and amazed …
Au natural female lube is made of some of the same stuff found in shark livers. “Whoa-oh here she comes; she’s a maneater!”

Source: Wired
The World Record for most female orgasms was recorded at the 2009 Masturbate-a-thon in Denmark. While Michael Hariprem claimed the title for men the year before with 31 big O’s, one lucky gal rubbed out 222 orgasms in one sitting. Wow … just … wow. Anyone else feeling like an underachiever?

Credit: Shutterstock
Men have got the gun in their pants, but ladies can be sharp shooters too. The farthest recorded distance that a woman has ejaculated was also at the 2009 Maturbate-a-thon in Denmark. (What a banner year!) She fired a whopping 10.3 feet. Man, I wonder what the MPH was on that? Next time, they should get this woman to do it in a batting cage.

Source: huffingtonpost
The speculum your gyno uses in 2010 dates all the way back to the technological age of 1300 B.C.E. It got a shout-out in an old Hebrew tome called the Talmud. Worse yet, a speculum identical to the models used today was unearthed in some girl’s rubble at Pompeii. Let this be a warning to us all: I know it’s hard to get an OB/GYN appointment, but do NOT go if it looks like a volcano is about to erupt.

Source: The Frisky
The average vagina length is 3-4 inches, but fear not if you’re a man with a gigantic Johnson. Dude, you will not be left holding your peen—if you can get your gal excited enough, her tunnel of love will lengthen by up to 200 percent to accommodate as much of you as possible.

Source: New York Post
What do you call your hot spot? Doubt when you’re dirty talkin’ you use the technical term, but, honestly, how could ye ole namers of things look at a lady flower and think of a word as awkward as “vagina”? Turns out, vagina means “sheath” or “scabbard,” a sword holder, in Latin. So, ladies, en guarde!

Credit: Pinterest
It takes women 15-30 minutes to come down after an orgasm. Guys, on the other hand, are over it the second they cross the finish line. This explains a lot, no?

Source: Shutterstock
Thanks to Italian researchers, the G-spot is no longer the sexual version of Santa Claus. In 2008, a team lead by Emmanuele Jannini at the University of L’Aquila found evidence that the G-spot exists and can be located on the front side of your vagina, not far from your belly button. Using an ultrasound, they got pics of an especially thick tissue lining in women who experience vaginal orgasm, and the big O was all thanks to the Skene gland, or the female prostate. Yes, that’s right, a lady prostate. Apparently, back when you’re a fetus and you could develop into a man or woman, some babies who go on to become girls keep this lil’ something extra and that becomes the

Source: Pixabay
If you thought the Octomom’s vagina had seen a lot of baby traffic, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet! Back in the 18th century, one fertle Myrtle, a Russian peasant named Mrs. Feodor Vassilyev, gave birth 27 times. In total, she popped out 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets—that’s 69 babies. Hm, if she learned about the other kind of 69, maybe she wouldn’t have had so many children.

Source: Getty Images
Your vagina can fall out of your body. I’ll spare you all the details, but no worries, they can reconstruct it.

Source: Munimara/Shutterstock
Tatiana Kozhevnikov—who possesses, according to the Guinness Book Of World Records, the world’s strongest vagina—can lift 31 lbs. with the body builder between her legs. Check out this vid of her, uh, flexing while wearing a sweet gold jumpsuit. Nothing says “champion cooter” like lamé!

Source: dailymotion
Original by Simcha Whitehill