When shopping, there are items that you came to buy in the first place, and then there are items that you want to have. And then there are items that you did not even know you wanted, but you ended up buying anyway. If this happens to you, you probably know that you can easily spend a lot of money on things that you do not need. Trust me, it happened to me quite often. I would go to the mall to buy one thing and return with two bags of clothes that I hardly ever wear. That is why I decided to stop spending vast amounts on things that I do not need – with some excellent shopping tips. Although it might sound difficult, it is, in fact, quite easy. In the text below, you will be able to read about the top tips for saving money when shopping. Let’s take a look:
- Tips on Saving Money
- 1. Make a List and Stick to it!
- 2. Only Bring Enough Money to Pay For the Items on Your List
- 3. Compare, Compare, Compare
- 4. Thinking About Buying New Clothes and Shoes?
- 5. Do Not Shop When You Are Bored
- 6. Find Deals and Coupons Online
- 7. When in Doubt About Something, Simply Exit the Store
- 8. Can You Make it Before You Buy it?
- 9. Do Not Be Attracted By Sales
- 10. Out of Season Shopping is The Best
- 11. Thrift Shopping
Tips on Saving Money
1. Make a List and Stick to it!
First things first, if you want to stop yourself from buying things that you do not need, make a shopping list. The rule is quite simple to follow, you cannot buy anything that you did not put on the list. And no, it is not okay to add the item to your list when you are at the grocery or other stores. Although no one will know, it is considered cheating and the goal is to save money.
2. Only Bring Enough Money to Pay For the Items on Your List
You cannot spend more money than you have on you. Before you go shopping, take your money out of the wallet and only return how much you need to cover the expenses of the products on your list. It is okay to place a little bit more, just in case some of the prices changed, however, do not overdo it. Also, leave all your credit cards at home.

Source: thecynicalgirl
3. Compare, Compare, Compare
Do not buy the first thing that you see right away since it might be cheaper at a different store. For example, if you want to buy a new PC game, do not opt for the first store that sells it. Call video game stores and browse their websites to find out where they sell the cheapest one. Why pay $60 for the Legendary Edition of Skyrim in a store when you can get it on Amazon for $45?
4. Thinking About Buying New Clothes and Shoes?
When it comes to buying new clothes and shoes, the first thing you should consider is how often you will wear it. For example, if you buy new black jeans, you will be able to wear them for all occasions, but if you buy the cute jeans with a cat print, you will only be able to wear them in casual situations. You will probably do better with fewer clothes that you can accessorize and style, instead of piles of clothes that will just sit in your closet.
5. Do Not Shop When You Are Bored
The craziest purchases are the ones we make when we are bored. I once went to a book store and bought 6 new books – the backstory? I already had 10 books that I bought before but never had time to read at home. So now I have over 16 books waiting for me to read them. I could have used that money on something else. If you ever get bored, try finding something to do, but do not go on a shopping spree.

Source: money
6. Find Deals and Coupons Online
If you look long enough, you will be able to find great deals and coupons online. These things can save you a lot of money and you will be surprised how much coupons can help you with that. To help you with the process of saving money, make sure to check out dealdrop.com to find coupons when shopping.
7. When in Doubt About Something, Simply Exit the Store
If you are having a debate with yourself about whether or not you should buy something, put it back where it belongs and exit the store. If you allow yourself to think things through, you will be able to determine if you really want/need something. If you decide that you need it, you can always go back and purchase it.
8. Can You Make it Before You Buy it?
You will be able to save a lot of money if you can do-it-yourself. So, if you want jean shorts, simply take an old pair of jeans, cut them, and you now have new shorts. Want to frame some pictures in your room? Choose to paint, draw, and collage frames for the pictures. Not only will these things be unique, but they will also save you some cash.

Source: tasteofhome
9. Do Not Be Attracted By Sales
We all have that desire to purchase something because it is extremely cheap – not because we need it. However, no matter if it is cheap or not, you do not need to spend any amount of money just because it is on sale. Instead, when there is a sale, buy only what you need (because it is cheaper) and exit the store.
10. Out of Season Shopping is The Best
Clothing stores usually have huge sales on items that are out of season. Buy bathing suits during autumn and winter, and winter jackets and boots during spring and summer. Keep in mind that you should plan these trips a few months in advance, especially if you have children. Also, do not buy something that is a fashion trend currently since it might look outdated next year.
11. Thrift Shopping
Just a friendly reminder, you should not be embarrassed to visit a thrift shop, in fact, it is one of my favorite hobbies. Not only are the items cheaper, but it is also better for the environment to shop there. Before you head to the mall, visit a vintage store, thrift store, and a used bookstore.

Source: racked
The eleven tips from this article will help you save a lot of money when shopping. Hence, now that you know how to save some cash, do not waste any more time and start making a list of things you need.