Sexy Buzz Lightyear
October 31 is just around the corner, so I’ve begun looking for the perfect Halloween costume to trump last year’s “Sexy French Fries.” While browsing Yandy.com— which basically has every scandalous costume known to man— I found a ton of totally non-sexy characters and things that have been sexed up and, for some reason, turned into Halloween costumes. I’m all for slutty animals and sexy storybook characters, but the line needs to be drawn somewhere. Probably here.
Sexy Bloody Mental Ward Patient
Sexy Yoda
Sexy Corn
Sexy Buzz Lightyear
Sexy Chinese Take Out Container
Sexy Minion
Sexy Mr. Peanut
Sexy Sea Turtle
Sexy Storm Trooper
Sexy Lobster
Sexy Voodoo Doll
Sexy Yin Yang
Sexy Jellyfish
Original by Katie Oldenburg