As a verifiable crazy cat lady, I decided I’d delve into the world of weird cat breeds, just because. Do I need a better reason? I don’t think so. Here are 14 breeds of cat you’ve probably never encountered.
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American Curl Cat
Just check out there ears – it’s what they’re named for.
American Wirehair Cat
This is a rare type of cat with a wiry, curly coat. There are apparently less than 30 registered of this breed. That’s a special cat.
Birman Cat
Birman cats are a mixture of Siamese and Persian cat. Supposedly they were found at a temple in Burma named Lao Tsun and then taken to England where they were bred. But nobody’s really sure. Anyway! Don’t they have pretty eyes?
Cornish Rex
Where most cats have three types of hair in their coats, Cornish Rex cats only have one – a fine downy coat that makes them kind of sphynx-like and weird. They originated in Cornwall, England, and are known as the “greyhound” of cats because of their lean frames.
Egyptian Mau Cats
These cats possess naturally spotted skin under their spotty fur.
Kurilian Bobtail
This breed originates in the Kuril Islands, which are situated off the coasts of both Japan and Russia.
La Perm
I’m naming my band La Perm – I mean, this breed gets its name from the curly, curly hair it has.
Manx Cat
The Manx originated in the Isle of Man, off the coast of England. They’re distinguished by their totally non-existent tails, which have a couple of funny stories associated with them. One says One says the Manx tail was caught in the door when Noah was filling the ark. The other says that Manx mothers bit the tails off their children to prevent invading Scandinavians from grabbing their tails.
Norwegian Forest Cat
Norwegian forest cats are from Norway (duh) and have expressive, large faces.
Pixie Bob Cat
The Pixie Bob legend says that these cats were created when a bob cat mated with a house cat. Either way, they’re distinguished by their tiny little tail stubs.
Munchkin Cat
Munchkins are bred to have ridiculously short legs.
Snowshoe Cat
Snowshoe cats are known for their unusual face and paw markings.
Singapura Cat
Originally from Singapore, the singapura is noted for its large eyes and ears, brown ticked coat and blunt tail.
The Highlander Cat
Nope, the Highlander Cat isn’t related to Sean Connery (old person joke!) Highlander cats are a relatively new breed (introduced in 2005) that are known for their dog-like personalities and big-boned awesomeness. Males typically weigh 20+ pounds.
Original by: Julie Gerstein