Our peeps over at Lemondrop wrote about the most annoying girl habits or behaviors. We agree that women who pretend to be lesbians while dancing drunk with their friends are annoying. But what about the things guys do?
After the jump, the top 20 things guys do that annoy us. If we’ve forgotten any personal pet-peeves, tell us in the comments.

Source: AdobeStock
- Nose picking
- Leaving facial hair in the sink after shaving
- Adjusting or scratching your balls or peen in public
- Digging underwear out of your butt cheeks
- Nail cutting in public
- Lying about your height
- Saying you’ll call and then don’t
- Wearing pants hanging off your butt
- Wearing pants that are tighter than most women’s
- Not paying on dates just because you’re cheap
- Wearing hole-y tighty-whities because you refuse to do your laundry
- Drinking until comatose
- Stopping everything you’re doing just to admire a luxury car
- Obsessing about your receding hairline or bald spot
- Criticizing our porn preferences and habits
- Trying to make us feel guilty for our shopping habits
- Buying new video games when you still haven’t beat the last three
- Making us spend time your mother when you know we can’t stand each other
- Always using us as an excuse when you don’t want to break plans with friends
- Letting your “pet” mold flourish in the shower

Source: Len The Plumber
Original by Annika Harris