A couple of months ago, I wrote a list of 21 things I wish I’d known at 21, which over a 100 of you thought enough about to comment on. The thing is, I was pretty naive and there were a lot more than 21 things I didn’t know at that age. So, without further ado, check out 21 more things I wish I’d known at 21, after the jump.
- Therapy isn’t just for people who think they’re crazy.
- Most people experience bouts of loneliness, sadness, confusion and insecurity, too (no matter how strong or put-together they seem).
- If you hate your job, quit … but not before you have another one lined up (or enough money to float you for many months).
- Judging other people’s decisions is not the best way to validate your own.
- Sleep, water, and sunscreen: cheaper than Botox and more effective than makeup.
- New Year’s Eve is pretty overrated.
- Mom and Dad don’t always know best.
- Toothpaste makes a wonderful overnight zit cream.
- If you can’t imagine kissing him, don’t bother going out with him “just to make sure there isn’t something there.”
- A good haircut is worth the expense.
- The price of owning a car is typically three to five times what you pay for it when you buy it.
- Two glasses of water after a night of drinking will save your ass the next morning.
- If it fits you perfectly and you love it, buy two. (But three if it’s on sale!)
- It’s never as good as the first time.
- Internet comments are rarely about the person being responded to.
- A smile can make you look at least five years younger.
- If you suddenly look five pounds heavier, you might need a new bra more than a new diet.
- Seriously, you don’t need a relationship to be happy.
- Washing your face before bed is a must.
- Sometimes, keeping the peace is so much better than being right.
- If it’s important, don’t say it in an email.
Original by Wendy Atterberry