I’m a single Pisces woman who is in love with a married Gemini man. My birthday is March 5, 1978; his is May 29, 1978. I was born in Framingham, Massachusetts at 6:52 pm. I don’t know his birthplace. Based on our birth data, do you think I could be desirable enough to him that he would have an affair with me and maybe even leave his wife? What would it take for me to make him want me as his one and only? – Confused Water Sign
Pisces girl, dreamer lady, get your head out of the clouds and listen to what you’re saying: you’re in love with another woman’s man…and because of his sign mixed with yours, I get a feeling that you didn’t wind up with this fantasy on your own. Chances are this sweet-talker has been flirting and enticing you, painting an escape route that almost seems tangible — but rest assured, he is hazardous material and there will be no happily ever after for you. Back away from this potentially toxic spill, as you’re only asking for trouble when you go into this territory. The only positive move here is to use all of your power to detox from him immediately.
Sure, that won’t be a walk in the park considering you’re a Pisces “overly compassionate” sun, Virgo “people pleaser” rising and Capricorn “driven” moon, that thinks if she only works harder she will get what she wants, but no, no, no! There is no place to go, but down in this situation. Realize being born under the sign of escapism, you’re prone to fall in love with love and think in terms of fairy tales. You like epic love stories that go through the spectrum of emotions as unpredictably as possible, giving you all sorts of fantasies to be inspired and defeated by. While romance can be grand, making them tragic is a choice in this narrative and right now you are choosing the wrong one.

Source: thehoroscope
Straight up, the “woe is me, why can’t he just love me” is no way to live — but thankfully, the cosmos are on your side. To help get you out of this mess, you should take advantage of the two lucky romance currents coming your way that have the power to jolt new and positive loves for you as early as Jan. 11, 2009 and most powerfully near July 22, 2009. However, until then, to ensure you are working with the positive energy in your life, you need to do your own work and work against the karmic Virgo in Saturn. It’s putting pressure on your house of identity and partnership house, by rising to meet the challenge of overcoming your desire for this married guy, who could only offer you a cliché that rarely ends nicely.
Think of this situation like a drug, and like any sort of destructive vice, know that while it might satiate your instant gratification mentally—as in having something to get lost thinking about—realize that the reality is that this is a no-win situation. Start freeing up your heart and mind for the eclipses next year that can actually bring you something good and real.
Original by: Kiki T