According to a new study, there may be a practical way to find out if your man is going to be faithful to you … test his IQ. If you’re a wise lady, then you should be looking for a very smart man, because researchers in the U.K. have discovered that high IQ and the ability to be monogamous are related in men. Why?

Source: Coder Expansion
Because intelligent men are more evolved. Yeah, tell us something we don’t already know. The evolutionary psychologist who ran the study theorizes that the smarter a man is, the less susceptible he is to indulging in his primal urges to impregnate as many women as he can.
Also it’s just straight-up smart not to piss your woman off. Does this mean we can finally stop blaming men’s libidinal urges for infidelity and sex addiction? Some men are evolved dammit … and we love them for that. [Asylum]

Source: Sonata Dell’Amore
Original by Ami Angelowicz