A new, controversial report claims the increase in carpal tunnel syndrome cases in Britain is the result of too much sex. Repetitive movements and extending full body weight to the wrists during lovemaking seems to be related to the most common wrist ailment in the U.K., which affects one person in 20.

Source: instafuckfriend
The symptoms include numbness and pain from trapped nerves. Although the exact cause of the syndrome isn’t exactly known, doctors often attribute it to keyboard or mouse use and prolonged use of vibrating hand tools (no, not those vibrating hand tools).
But, according to this new research, the increases in carpal tunnel sufferers coincided with the launch of Viagra and other erectile dysfunction treatments in the late ‘90s. Of course, many people also started using computers continuously throughout the day around this time also.

Source: cosmopolitan
But one researcher maintains that sex is the leading cause of the syndrome because it’s the only widespread activity that requires both hands at the same time. So it sounds like this is the perfect excuse to switch positions and put old standbys like missionary and doggy style to rest for a bit.
[The Sun]Original by Annika Harris