While a lot of lubes out there can be really great, a lot of them are also filled with harmful (if not toxic) chemicals that can irritate your body or even harm you more seriously. And not for nothing, they also cost money and require going to a store. So if you’re broke and/or standing next to a naked human right now and need something to lubricate your genitals immediately, you might be in a bit of a panic, which is probably why you’re reading this right now.
So first of all, let’s not panic at all. It doesn’t solve anything and it’s probably drying out any and all body parts even more, because stress just ruins your body totally and completely. Instead, let’s go over a few natural alternatives to lube that won’t make your vagina angry and that you can probably find in your home or at your corner store. Or if you’re pantsless right now, maybe you can get them on that thing where Amazon delivers right to your house. They’ll think they’re just delivering some basic cooking or household ingredients to your doorstep, but you’ll know they’re quickly delivering necessary lubricating agents for your genitals, please and thank you. It’s a win-win for everyone, in theory.
Coconut oil
It might seem like an obvious choice because seriously what can’t coconut oil do, but Jennifer Gunter, M.D., an ob-gyn at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Francisco, actually told Shape that coconut oil “seems safe” in her experience, and a lot of women with sensitive vaginas she’s spoken to have used it as lube and loved it. But be warned, you shouldn’t use coconut oil (or any oil) in conjunction with latex condoms because oils might weaken the latex and increase the risk of condom breakage, which is the opposite of what you want in a lube, obviously.
Aloe vera
Pharmacologist Joe Graedon of The People’s Pharmacy told Bustle that aloe is safe for your vagina, as long as you don’t have a latex allergy (because somehow there is latex in aloe, who knew???). It’s also safe for use with condoms, which is a blessing from the heavens and for your wonderfully loyal vagina. Thank you, lube plant!!!
Egg whites, for some reason
Obstetrical nurse Maureen Stephens says that if you really want to go there, using room temperature egg whites as lube is safe to do. Soooooo, uh, yeah. Have fun with that. Does the egg lube turn into a frittata once you guys start doing it? One can only hope.
Original by Lane Moore