I have the dating app Tinder downloaded on my phone, but I only use it to play a game called “How many times can I swipe left in 60 seconds?” My current record is 44, but that’s because I take it seriously and don’t swipe left on every dude who pops up on the screen. But I don’t ever respond to any of the messages that various “matches” send to me and I have no plans to randomly meet up with someone I met through the site. Call me crazy, but I prefer to judge a stranger on more substantial information than what Tinder provides, which is, at most, a couple factoids and a handful of photos. So I’m really, really not envisioning myself using 3nder, a new app from the makers of Tinder and Grindr (the “gay” precursor to Tinder, FYI), which hopes to make threesomes easier to come by. But that’s me. Maybe this is totally your bag, in which case, you should watch this video, which makes threesomes look super hip and sexy, and cross your fingers this app makes it out of the development stage. But as an aside, how do you even pronounce 3nder? Thrinder? Help me.

Source: vox
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