Writing may be a creative endeavor, but when you’ve been doing it for some time, it can become a chore. Yes, writing can be tedious work. Writer’s block is a reality, and there’s something to be said about writers who can make it work even before the block starts. If the usual run of the mill writing tips don’t work anymore, it’s going to be very difficult to even start.
So how do you beat writer’s block if the usual tips in unblocking it don’t work? Well, there are a couple of things you can do – from freewriting to taking a vacation, making things work is going to be an uphill climb. That much is the truth. So read on, for we list the best important writing tips for you to combat the dreaded block.
Read. Read. Read.

Source: thoughtco
One of the things that you need to know about writing is that you can’t write what you don’t know. And to know more, you need to read more. Most writers think that in order to write their magnum opus, they need to stray away from other works of art. Especially literature. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Reading is fundamental. Even more so with writing.
Of course, you need to read all kinds of different genres and forms, but put in focus the form you want to write in. However, by digging into different genres and exploring different writers, you will learn about different styles, pace and you can always think outside the box and gain ideas.
When writing a novel, word count is one of the things you need to be wary of. Using wordcounttool.com certainly is helpful, of course, but focusing on it can take away the beauty of your writing. So don’t be afraid to read, as it can diversify your words, your tone and the voice of your characters. Read as much as you can, but write as intensely as well.
Break familiar patterns

Source: Sun Sentinel
When you want to increase your productivity, don’t fall into the same old familiar patterns. If you start with a bang regularly, try to start doing things lowkey the next time. Or, if you are in the middle of your writing, start to slow down and hear your writing. When you make the most out of your tone and voice, you inadvertently turn yourself into your own fan.
And what that turns into is you start falling in love with your writing again, and with this is a resurgence of your creative endeavor. To ensure that this will work, don’t overdo it. Use this trick only when you’re feeling particularly stuck, as it gets old quick. Familiar patterns also refer to your daily routine, so change things up on that part of your life as well.
Lay it out there. Even the most controversial ones

Source: thecrimson
Don’t be afraid of making your characters say what they want to say. Sometimes creating your role in the most extreme way possible can be controversial, and writers will shy away from making them the best or worst representations of themselves. Don’t be lukewarm, as the more you are going to be safe about your literature, the more it’s going to be unremarkable.
There’s magic in letting go of your writing. Writing from the heart, or soul, or even the deepest part of your psyche is interesting. Don’t be afraid to go dark, incising, and polarizing. Characters need to be definable, and when you can’t make them their 100% true selves, it’s going to be very hard to like the literature you’re reading.

Source: thewritelife
By steal, we mean take inspiration. Don’t be timid in copying, but of course, don’t copy word for word as well. That’s plagiarism. Be inspired, copy the styles you’re particularly attracted to, and modify it to your liking.
By managing to copy great minds, you will be able to create a voice of your own with a tad of their style and creation. Make sure you study other writers and try to analyze their work and what it is they did that make it so unique. Also, it can be a great idea to learn about their lifestyles. You can pick up some good habits, even if it is one or two and try to incorporate them into your own life. Of course, you will choose those that suit you best and select some you know are effective and modify them.

Source: jobstreet
Writer’s block isn’t going to go away with only one trick. It’s a black hole that keeps on getting writers in its wake. While there are things you can do, it’s going to be a mainstay in any creative person’s life. So to make the most out of your situation, you need to be, no pun intended, creative about it.
Write Every Day

Source: convertkit
Waiting for inspiration to come is a fool’s errand and you might as well go and do something else if you only write when the inspiration hits. You need to force or motivate yourself to write every day no matter what happens around. Only this way you will be able to push through the block and start writing. It might be difficult at first, but even one page is better than nothing. Even if it isn’t any good. You can choose one word, or a sentence and polish it later and build around it. Use it as a foundation.
By going hard every day, you will eventually get into the habit of writing and you will no longer worry about it. It will be something you do no matter what happens.
Don’t just read this article and nod – it is important to actually integrate these tips to make things effective. So you better start off immediately!