Are you one of those who want to see animals up close in the wild instead of a zoo? If yes, then a safari trip is the perfect way to kick start your journey. And when you think of a safari trip, there is no better place to start than Africa. You would see lions, cheetahs, leopards, and various animals strolling by the side of your car while you stand awestruck. But even during the most thrilling moments, there are a few dos and don’ts that you need to keep in mind. Some of them are as follows:
1. Don’t expect animals to flock by your car
There is no guarantee that you will see lions and tigers walking beside your car. Although African safaris don’t usually disappoint, you still shouldn’t have high expectations of watching all the variety of animals on your tour. According to, watching animals up close depends on your luck. Sometimes you may see the fiercest animals are taking a nap under a tree. You don’t expect them to remain active 24 x 7.

Source: tourradar
2. Don’t make noise
If there is a thumb rule for trips, then it should be to keep quiet. Hold your excitement down. You wouldn’t want a cheetah to kiss you and take you away for a nice meal in the middle of the trip. The driver will instruct you what to do and what not to do at the start. You can take as many pictures as you want; just don’t make any sound.
3. Don’t make faces
Many people make faces at animals in the zoo. You don’t realize what the consequence can be when you do the same on a safari. It’s a matter of life and death. Monkeys imitate people at the zoo. That’s what triggers you to make faces at animals that are superior to you but can’t attack because of the preventive measures in the national park. But the game is slightly different in a safari. So, don’t even try such things or let your kids do that.

Source: worldalldetails
4. Don’t turn on the flash in your camera suddenly
Many people don’t know this, but the camera’s flash can make animals angry, especially elephants. Some people are not aware of all the functions in their camera and tend to leave the flash on. That’s a strict no-no. Any kind of flash causes agitation among animals, and they can attack you suddenly.
5. Don’t get down from the jeep
It doesn’t matter whether you dropped your phone or lost your purse; never ever get down from the car once the trip starts. If you lost something, ask the driver if he/she can get it for you. They are aware of animal behaviors. So, they can stop the car, depending on the place and get the lost object for you.

Source: urbemasafaris
A safari trip is an experience of a lifetime. Don’t ruin that experience by doing stupid things. Keep these points in mind while going on a safari trip.