Happy National Beer Day! Unfortunately, it falls on a Sunday this year, which means that you probably shouldn’t go out boozing tonight to celebrate. Lucky for you, there are a surprising number of options for beer celebrations that won’t leave you hungover. Prost!
Beer Yoga: Yup, it’s a thing! I guess it makes sense — they’re both relaxing.
Gardening With Beer: Beer can fertilize your lawn, act as a fly trap, be a compost starter, and trap snails and earwigs.
Beer Shampoo: Apparently there is actual science behind beer helping your hair. Dope! Pour flat, warm beer straight into your hair into shiny lushness, or buy a beer shampoo.
Beer Facial: Beer works for your face for a lot of the same reasons it works for your hair — it contains a lot of nutrients and proteins. Putting beer on your face rather than in your face will reportedly make you look refreshed. Check out this recipe!
Beer Pedicure: The yeast in beer can help to soften up your Flintstone feet. Get instructions here.
Just A Few Food-Related Suggestions:
- Put it in stew, obviously.
- Eat that stew with some beer rice.
- Use it in Guinness cake, but use Left-Handed Milk Stout, because yum.
- Make beer simple syrup by boiling it with sugar, then add it to your coffee.
- Or, use the syrup to make beer-flavored Italian buttercream.
- Tenderize your steak with a beer marinade.
- Steam mussels in it. Did we just make a full beer meal?
Original by Rebecca Vipond Brink