Your dog becomes an important part of your family as soon as you adopt one and bring him home. The years with your dog are always special, which you cherish forever. They are not only a member of the family, but are also treated like babies with the utmost care and attention, and they surely deserve it.
You most definitely know the reasons why your dog is family to you, but we are here just to remind you of a few.
1. They Spread Positivity
Isn’t it the best feeling when your dog jumps on your bed and wakes you up in the morning? Sure, it feels a bit disgusting, but her affection is precious. Dogs run around the house happily, wagging their tails and hopping with joy. It’s adorable the way your dog comes to greet you when you get back home at the end of a long day. You simply can’t imagine not seeing her when you’re home. When your friends and guests visit, no one is happier to see them than your dog—this makes them feel welcomed, urging them to revisit your place to play with your pup. Pets are known to reduce anxiety, for all these reasons and more. They make you calmer and provide comfort, and that is the reason why a lot of healthcare centers have therapy dogs.
2. They Guard the House and Their Owners
Needless to say, dogs can be the best guardians, protecting your house from fishy strangers and dangerous incidents. They instantly alert you of suspicious happenings. You might have heard about a lot of real-life incidents where the dog saved the owner’s life by scaring criminals away, smelling a gas leak, or even rescuing a kid from a house fire. If your dog barks at strangers during walks or in the park, it might just be because he is overprotective and wants to guard you—and if this behavior bothers you, you can always train him not to do it. Also, there’s no point in questioning the loyalty of dogs—the loss of an owner can cause severe depression and grief in a pooch. They are, undeniably, man’s best friend.
3. You Care for Their Health
You panic if your dog displays even a small health scare. The dog-loving family behind K9 Kare suggests regular exercises, proper training, and the use of specially designed CBD products to manage stress, anxiety, and pain in dogs. Of course, nothing can substitute regular vet visits, as it’s your biggest responsibility to keep your furry friend healthy and happy.
Aside from the regular checks and vaccines, you need to have a good vet to turn to for any concerns you may have. To save some money on their health care, look up pet insurance websites like With the right option, you can save a lot in the long run.
4. They Have the Best Toys and Products
At some point, your dog might have better toys than your kids, especially if you’ve adopted him before the arrival of your first baby. When you go shopping, you can’t help but buy attractive accessories for your dog, imagining his cute reaction. You might even say he is spoiled due to the countless things you buy for him. Also, you hardly frown if he destroys them; there will be a replacement arriving the very next day!
5. You Carry Them Everywhere
Whether it’s a picnic in the park or a trip to the mall, your fur-baby always accompanies you. She will either tug on her leash or get in the carrying cage as soon as she gets the signal of going out. She will also most definitely attend important events such as a Christmas dinner or a wedding. You might even witness your kids and dog crawling over each other in the car to get the window seat.
6. They Celebrate Better Birthdays Than You
As an adult, you don’t usually care for your birthdays. Reading a book, watching a movie while relaxing at home, or going for a simple dinner are probably your best plans for the day. But when it’s your dog’s birthday, you are ready to turn the world upside down. You most definitely have thrown—or considered throwing—a party for his birthday, with cute and witty invitations sent out to all his furry friends. A pet-friendly cake and adorable hats enter the picture. It’s also an opportunity for you to see all the cuteness gathered in one place.
And of course, no family picture is complete without your precious pooch. Most pets also make it to the holiday pictures and wedding albums where they act as ring bearers. When you treat your dog and your baby equally, you know that he has permanently become your fourth family member. He is showered with cuddles, constant pampering and treats almost every day—and it’s always the little things like this that make dogs happy, filling you with incomparable joy.